Love’s Sure Dawn by Naomi Rawlings

What Money Can’t Buy

Love’s Sure Dawn by Naomi Rawlings is another delightful Christian historical romance in the Eagle Harbor series. It is the third book but can be read as a stand-alone. I enjoyed catching up on the fortunes of familiar characters.

The novel focuses on the theme of wealth. Money can be used for good but it is never meant to be a foundation for anything. “You’ll never have this loving family you speak of if you try building a marriage on money.” Money should never be the focus of one’s life.

There is the theme of family. One family has love at its core, another, money. Love has everyone’s interests at heart. The love of money is sure to bring a downfall. “What if he’d been born into a family that cared about helping others more than amassing their own wealth?”

I found it wonderful to watch the character development of Gilbert Sinclair. Introduced to him in book two, my opinion of him has altered drastically.

Another character who has been developed is Rebekah. She is a wonderful modern woman for her times with a huge heart. Watching her grow is wonderful. I really like her.

The theme of taking care of others is present in the novel. Needs are seen and met, as opposed to being passed over. “When his wife saw a need, she was determined to put others first.”

The novel highlights the class divide. It was unusual for the upper classes to concern themselves with the lower classes but the story shows how caring for others can jump all boundaries.

There is the darker side to human nature presented in the form of physical abuse. It is ugly and shows up ugly characters for who they are.

God is a God who heals – physically, spiritually and emotionally. We need to bring our requests to Him.

There is a contrast between the city and the country. Isolation is found in the overcrowded city, whereas in Eagle Harbor there is a feeling of community.

I am really loving this Eagle Harbor series. Each story is unique and taking up residence in my heart. The tales are delightfully written and I cannot wait to read the rest of the series.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.





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