Love’s Every Whisper by Naomi Rawlings

In Need Of Rescuing

Love’s Every Whisper by Naomi Rawlings is a most delightful Christian historical romance. It is the second book in the Eagle Harbor series but can be read as a stand-alone.

Throughout the novel there is an ancient feud, going back to childhood. Two men with different agenda’s clash as the action comes thick and fast. At first they seem poles apart but as the novel progresses, the reader catches glimpses that underneath it all, they are not so different.

The novel revolves around rescuing people from choppy seas and the need for proper lifeboat facilities. This can be seen as a motif for us – we all need rescuing by Jesus from the choppy waters of life. Our lifeboat is a mixture of God’s grace and His truth to be found in His Word, the Bible.

We all matter to God. People are very good at believing the worst about themselves. They relive their failures again and again. They are listening to the wrong voices. We need to banish the voices that tell us we are no good and listen to God’s life affirming voice that says we are beautiful and we are loved.

The novel warns about the dangers of the love of power and the love of money. When outward appearances matter more than inward character, we have got our priorities wrong.

Everyone needs friends. Friends who will stick by them through thick and thin. The novel portrays some beautiful friendships.

The story is about love too. Everyone should be loved and have someone who makes their eyes light up.

There is a wonderful feeling of community. The reader can ‘feel’ the warmth emanating from the pages of the book.

Having read the first book, it was wonderful to meet up with familiar characters to see how their lives were progressing. As the novel ended, there have been teasers for the reader as to what is to come in book three. And I for one, cannot wait.

Absolutely delightful. I am loving Naomi Rawlings writings.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.





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