The Little Breton Bistro by Nina George

A Journey Of Discovery

The Little Breton Bistro by Nina George is a beautiful story of love, of life, of death and of everything in between. It has an ethereal quality to it that just lodged in my soul leaving me feeling peaceful and tranquil.

The Little Breton Bistro is a novel of discovery. Too often we live to please others, suppressing ourselves along the way. We fail to live the life we should and fail to be who we were created to be. Life is for living, not merely existing. “He was mad enough to assume that one only had to survive to thrive.”

The whole novel is about love. We all have a basic need to love and to be loved. “I miss love, being loved… someone who’s my home.” Love fulfils us and makes us beautiful from the inside out. If we are loved, we cannot help but project that love from our faces.

There is the theme of friendship within the story. Friendships come in all different shapes and sizes. Friendships speak of love.

For everything there is a season. The novel portrays a blossoming. In nature, things have to die off in the autumn to enable new growth in the spring. This is mirrored in the autumn of one’s life. “In my search for death I found life.” Getting older does not have to signify an end. It can be a new beginning.

The topic of dementia is seen in the novel. It is sensitively portrayed. Kindness, acceptance and understanding help the sufferer to bloom. There are some beautiful tender moments.

I really enjoyed The Little Breton Bistro. It was a truly beautiful book. I found the search for identity and discovery beautifully written. As lives opened up and hearts swelled with love, I ‘felt’ that beauty magnified. I have been left with a feeling of calm and peacefulness.

The Little Breton Bistro is a beautiful work of fiction.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.





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