Archive | February 2016

Shattered Memories by Debbie Lynn Costello

God’s Timing

Shattered MemoriesShattered Memories by Debbie Lynn Costello is a Christian historical thriller set in 1886 in the aftermath of the Charleston earthquake.

There are many themes running throughout the novel and one of them is that of searching, literally, spiritually and mentally. There is a searching for an account book, a searching for God and a searching for memory. It almost seems the harder one searches, the more elusive whatever one is searching for becomes. Sometimes one has to relax and let go, in order to let the memories flow.

Both main characters, Drew and Olivia feel that God is distant. Drew even cries out “God where are you?” God in His silence seems to have abandoned them, but silence does not mean absence.

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Pieces of Granite by Brenda S Anderson

Struggles, Forgiveness and Grace

Pieces of GranitePieces of Granite by Brenda S Anderson is a contemporary Christian novel. It deals with everyday situations as well as extraordinary ones, showing that in all circumstances of life, we must remember to fix our eyes on Jesus. When life gets too hard to stand – kneel and pray. And when life is good – kneel and pray.

Debbie is the perfect wife, daughter, sister and mother. She seems to have it all together. She is the glue that binds her extended family together, but Debbie is not perfect and in trying to be all things to all people and in being self sufficient, she has forgotten about grace. Life is not meant to be led with us in control, but it is to be led in partnership with God. Without Him, sooner or later, we will crumble.

Within Pieces Of Granite is the subject of Down’s Syndrome. Debbie, following an amniocentesis finds that baby Lilly has Downs. Debbie knows that “God doesn’t make mistakes.” She is horrified at some of the comments she receives. Every baby is planned by God and they are all perfect in His eyes.

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The Chair by James L Rubart

Forgiveness and Restoration

The ChairThe Chair by James L Rubart is a contemporary Christian thriller. It is a most unusual novel but one that I thoroughly enjoyed. At times my heart was racing with the action.

There are many themes in the novel but a major one is forgiveness. Sometimes we need to forgive others, sometimes we need to forgive ourselves and sometimes we need to ask for forgiveness.

Living with guilt is tied in to the forgiveness theme. So is bitterness. The Chair shows how one event has the power to ruin lives if one lives with one eye on the past. Let go of the guilt. Let go of the bitterness. Receive forgiveness.

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Dancing Up A Storm: Nine Short Stories

Excellent Stories

Dancing Up A StormWhen I’m Gone by Angela K Couch is set in 1942 America. It’s a sweet story set over the two and a half weeks before James has to leave for the draft. The reader can really empathise with James dancing partner Lainy as she goes through conflicting emotions. Through it all God is faithful.

Dancing In The Rain by Marion Ueckermann is a wonderful story set in South Africa about the preparations for Noah and Mirabelle’s wedding. The reader can sense their excitement and shares their fears. Superstitions needs to be released and replaced by trusting in the God of the universe that all will be well.

Dancing Hands by Derinda Babcock is a beautiful love story. Toby is deaf and is shunned by people who gossip about him. Morgan sees his pain and befriends him. Morgan has pain in her life too. The reader experiences a little bit of life from the point of view of a deaf person. It is wondrous to see that our great God does not need to be worshipped with voices. He can be worshipped with hands.

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