Tag Archive | Pepper Basham

Just The Way You Are by Pepper Basham

An Appalachian Girl In London

Just The Way You Are by Pepper Basham is the most delightful Christian contemporary romance and I loved it. It was totally charming and had a wonderful warm feel to it, with a strong Godly message.

There were many Godly themes including those of new beginnings, guilt and forgiveness. Forgiving other is hard. Forgiving ourselves impossible. “God has forgiven you, yet you are bound by this guilt.” Guilt tied to past actions can keep us locked in the past. We feel too bad to receive God’s forgiveness. “Don’t continue to work for a debt that’s already been paid.” The cross has covered all our sins. We do not need to work our way to forgiveness. Jesus paid the price in full. In him we can have a new beginning. “I can’t change who I was but God could change who I have become.”

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The Thorn Healer by Pepper Basham

Your Justice Or His Peace?

thornThe Thorn Healer by Pepper Basham is a historical romance. It is the third book in the Penned In Time series but can be read as a stand-alone. Set in the final year of World War I, fact meets fiction in this epic read.

There is the theme of trust – trust in God and trust in men. An alien intern camp in the small American town is met with fear and dislike. People distrust the Germans because of their experience in war. Prejudice is rife but not everyone should be tarred with the same brush.

Jessica is a nurse from the front who finds it hard to trust God after all that she has seen. “How can You see what is happening and so silent?” She is focused on man and not God. Her heart longs to see God but He seems absent. “If You are in the middle of all this mess, show me.”

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