About Julia


I am happily married and we have four grown up children and  five gorgeous granddaughters.

I live in a small Worcestershire town in England, and share my home with my husband and one cat who is a black and white rescue aged 10. In 2020 we lost Mister Marble aged 19 on July 21st, Dream aged 18 on Nov 27th and Smudge aged 19 on Dec 7th, all to cancer. It was a horrible time and we miss them. Then on December 13th 2021 we lost 19 year old Marmalade who suddenly got ill over a weekend. We are so sad without all our cats 🙁 

I have always loved reading, and just want to share all the great books that I read. I am also a crazy cat lady, and cannot imagine living in a house without cats!

I also love Jesus, and since COVID have watched my church Lifecentral from Halesowen online. As a Christian, I will not read and review any books that I would find offensive or that I would not be willing to have displayed at church!

I am definitely a bookaholic… I have hundreds, if not thousands if you include my kindle, of books waiting to be read. I am afraid that if I see a book I like, I tend to buy it! And if people recommend a book and it’s in a series… I buy the series!

I hope you enjoy my selection of books.

Happy reading.

Here is a link to Christian Bookaholic FB


Here is a link to Lifecentral



433 thoughts on “About Julia

  1. How do you select your books. I’ve just recently published my first book Hidden Scars by Amanda Sue King. I’ve gotten great reviews so far, but I’m very interested in hearing what someone with your experience would have to say about my work.

    • Hi Amanda
      I choose books to review that appeal to me. I also sign up for blog tours, and authors get in touch and ask me if I would like to read their books.I have looked at your book on Amazon UK, it sounds good.I would be more than happy to read and review it, if you want me to.

      • Hi Julia,

        I recently wrote an inspirational memoir, An Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Spark. I am trying to share the positive message, and would love to have you review it. If you are interested in reading it, I am happy to provide you a copy.


        • Hi Julie
          I tried to email you but the email address given doesn’t work. I would love to read and review your book 🙂 Please can you FB message me or provide another email address and I will send you my address? Thank you. XX

      • Hi Julia,

        I know that you are probably inundated with review requests, but I’d like to offer a debut Christian resource for a book review. The book is Thanks for Asking: Equipping God’s people with answers to life’s tough questions. Author Mike Larsen provides answers to some tough questions asked about the Bible and about God. Would you be willing to do a book review?

      • Good Evening,

        I recently wrote and published a book called “I Am: 10 Things That God Says About Me”, and I wondered if you would like to review it. If so, I would love to send you a copy. The premise of the book is basically who’s voice are you going to listen to, are you going to listen to the voice of our Father or are you going to believe every other voice in your life? It is sprinkled with a few snippets of my story, but it is mostly a theological study about our identity in Christ. I will be grateful if you are willing to read and review it. I am just trying to reach as many people as possible. Thank you for your time. 

        • Thank you for the kind offer but I am afraid I am unable to commit to any more books at the moment as I have a huge TBR. I wish you well with your sales. XX

          • Hi Julia! Greetings from Israel! Lovely blog! I am a writer and developmental editor so I rarely get time to read just for pleasure, so you have a DREAM job as far as I am concerned! Like most everybody else here, I also have a book that I think you would enjoy but I can only IMAGINE your stack of TBR books. Here’s the thing; there are fewer than 200,000 Holocaust survivors living in the world today and my book is about one of them and he’s also my life partner. We have a 30 year age difference! The True Adventures of Gidon Lev: Rascal. Holocaust Survivor. Optimist. is the quirkiest book about a Holocaust survivor you’ll ever read. Gidon is much more than a “holocaust survivor” – he is also a charmer, a father of five, grandfather of fourteen and he went zip-lining on his 85th birthday. The book includes the story of his time in a Nazi concentration camp but also his long, rich life afterward, helping to build Israel and raise a family. Gidon is what you’d call quite a “character”. I hope one day, down the line, you can have a peek at the book.

          • Oh wow, Julie, your partner’s book sounds a fabulous read. As a historian with a passion for keeping the memory of the 6 million innocents alive, the book sounds a perfect read for me. So many brave people at a time of pure evil. Blessings to you both. XX

      • Hi Julia,
        Thanks for helping authors and readers connect. In case you are looking for some adventure fantasy with Christian themes that sits between Narnia and Lord of the Rings. I wrote this series for my own boys when looking for fantasy without a magic focus. Tombs of Dross, book 1 of The Lorian Stones Trilogy. Would be happy to send you an ebook or paperback. Thanks, Lew

        • Thank you so much for the kind offer. I am afraid I am snowed under with books to read and review at this time, so am unable to commit to more. I wish you well with your sales. Every blessing, Julia. X

      • Hi Julia,

        I would like to offer my Christian nonfiction book for review: “The Pretend Christian: Traveling Beyond Denomination to the True Jesus.” (bit.ly/pchristian) I can send you an advance review copy; please reach out to me if you would like to check it out! God bless!

        • Thank you for the kind offer. I am afraid I have a huge pile of books to read and review at this time and am unable to commit to more. I wish you well with your sales. Every blessing X

        • Thank you for your kind words Judy 🙂 I am afraid I have a full schedule at the moment. I wish you well with your sales.

          All the best Julia X

    • Hi Julia,

      Would you be interested in a book that attempts to answer some of the big questions that skeptics and new believers often get stuck on? “God, Are You, There?”, my first book has just been released on Amazon an in it I try to just that – provide answers to some basic questions, such as why God allows evil to go unchecked and even more basic ones, such as is God trustworthy. It’s written in a conversational style and covers some of the basics of the Christian faith while also attempting to engage the curious,seeking reader. I would really value your opinion as someone who reads so many Christian books. Thanks for the consideration,

      Bruce Hartley

      • Thank you for the offer Bruce but I am snowed under with books to read at the moment. I wish you well with your book sales. XX

    • Dear Amanda
      My name is Lyndon Patrick Berchy I am an ALLi member of independent Christian authors.
      My publishing company is called Wedgetailbooks.com ( web site is currently under construction.)
      I speak four languages and also learn Hebrew Scriptures with the Chabad .

      I have travelled the globe for the past 24 years and working in the oil and gas industry, Hence I had the opportunity to evangelize everywhere I went and used my job to also do the work of the Holy Gospel

      I am looking at offering my book for reviews.
      As you know, reviews are critical to book publishing success,
      Like all authors, I rely on online reviews to encourage a good book to be appreciated and to generate a positive message that the world so desperately is in need of.

      Your opinion is invaluable. Would you take a few moments now to share your assessment of my book on any other book review website you prefer? Your opinion will help the book marketplace become more transparent and useful to all.

      I can send you a PDF document of my book . This book is currently being redesigned by 1106 design in Arizona and due for release in September 2020. The literary work is also

      Thank you

    • Dear Julia and Amanda.
      I would like to add or review this book on Christian Bookaholic, I find this a very valuable platform. The Book is The Flight of Kurrawurra: An Australian Odyssey. I would love to give people some free downloads as well.

      Start the Journey, Unlock the fortune, enlighten your life, open your heart.
      August 2019 a group of friends went up Mount Rainer Washington-To pray for a spiritual revival in America. A thick cloud suddenly descended, on a clear day, the sky change, an eagle circled, a trumpet blast sounded, the children prayed, and the world changed.
      In the Journeys of life – Truth has feet – it is an antiquated articulation used to indicate that something honest and important can stand on its own, be perceived, acknowledged, and respected by all.
      Our spiritual journeys are eternal and can address every generation, illuminate essential qualities that rouse and elevate. The spirit is the innermost compass that guides you in its excursion through the material world, attempting to teach us to acknowledge and peruse our spirituality.
      Our human journey on the planet can be erratic, broken, delicate and tossed out of balance.
      During an individual’s lifetime on earth, he is given the legitimacy and free decision to collaborate with his spirit. He can be influenced by it illuminating the world by permitting the soul to sparkle forward through appropriate musings, words and deeds. Ideally not burying it underneath layers and covers, smothering and discolouring its sacred brilliance. The interminable insight to discover atonement and start all over again with a clean slate begin anew and find that ultimate harmony.

  2. Greetings Julia from sunny Florida, USA! We are a part of another group and that is how I found you. I’ll go back and read your review. I also LOVE Cats! Where I live (apt) I can only have one cat and so love her I do. One of the reasons I checked out your site was do to being a Book-aholic too.

    • Hi Denise
      I hope you find some good books on here. Good to know a fellow bookaholic. I do recognise you from another group 🙂
      Julia. XX

  3. Hello again Julie, I have actually been very ill and exhausted. God bless you for being so kind as to read and review for authors. Reviews are not easy to obtain yet help so much. If you are not too busy you may be interested in reading one of my Inspirational Christian Romances. There is “Discovering Treasure” And “Cherished Encounter” both available in Kindle on permanent special. Love and blessings.

  4. Hello

    I’m working with Heather Blanton at her site http://www.ladiesindefiance.com. She has a novella coming out September/October 2016 and I am trying to get the word out with bloggers that would be interested in hosting her for a Q&A or guest post.

    I am also trying to set up some book reviewers to read her novella, entitled Ask Me to Marry You, a MALE-Order Bride Story. I would have pdf files available soon but nothing else is out yet.

    Here is her Amazon site: http://amzn.to/1PBRehM

    If you are interested, please let me know THANK YOU!

    Diane Estrella

  5. Dear Julia,
    Your blog is one of the best I have seen. Congratulations! Would you consider reading For No Apparent Reason? If so, I would be thrilled! Thank you, thank you!

  6. Dear Ms. Wilson:

    I would greatly appreciate your reviewing my Christian historical fiction/romance novella Celtic Warriors.

    Would you be interested in reviewing Celtic Warriors? If yes, please let me know what information you need.

    God bless. Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you.

  7. Hi Julia,
    Your son did a great job on your blog! I know you’ve got a ton of books to review, but if you’re open to adding one more to your stack, readers are having a lot of fun with my YA/Suspense series. (Christian fiction). I’m getting comments like,
    “Stayed up all night to finish it!”
    “Nonstop action!”
    “This book was SO good!”

    I just finished the third book in the series, but I’d be happy to start you at the beginning, if you prefer. I can send ebooks or print copies (except for my new release which goes live next week; the print copy isn’t available yet, but will be soon.)

    Here are links so you can check them out to see if they’re a good fit for you.
    Book One: PULSE http://amzn.to/1JYR0Qg
    Book Two: RESILIENCE http://amzn.to/12112d6
    Book Three: DEFIANCE http://amzn.to/2rnmddh

    Thanks for considering, and for helping authors by doing your reviews and blog posts. Even if my books don’t appeal to you, I wish you all the best and many days and hours of happy reading! Blessings, Linore

  8. Thank you for your wonderful Blog. I have recently published a book Breakthrough to a Supernatural Life, Keys to Hearing God’s Voice. Perhaps this is something you would be interested in for reviewing for your blog. You can find it here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Breakthrough-Supernatural-Life-Hearing-Voice-ebook/dp/B01N9XCMTZ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1496063056&sr=8-1&keywords=Breakthrough+to+a+supernatural+life
    I would be happy to get a copy to you.

  9. Julia,
    I am writing to offer you a free review copy of my novella “Dreams of Heaven”. http://bit.ly/dreamsofheaven

    “Dreams of Heaven” takes you on a fantastical journey with Jesus, who leads the way through an alternate interpretation of his ancient teachings and applies them to one of our worst nightmares—being separate from the ones we love.

    The book releases August 5, 2017. You would be one of the first to read “Dreams of Heaven”, which has been described as “…one of those gems of spiritual literature that becomes a permanent fixture in our lives…heartfelt and deeply moving,” by reviewer Hal Zina Bennett, Ph.D., Best-selling Spiritual Author.

    I would be glad to send you an uncorrected advance reader’s copy or an ebook (epub or mobi). After reading the book, I hope you will write a review and/or announce it on your website. Some of the reviews will be featured in the final printed version.

  10. Hi Julia

    Thanks for creating such a fantastic resource for readers.

    I would like to offer you a free copy of my eBook, To Fear The Dawn, for possible review.

    It is available on Amazon at


    Please email me if interested and I will send you a free copy in your preferred electronic format.

    Many thanks


  11. Dear Julia,
    Would you be willing to review my book, Out of the Shadows?

    It’s the first novella in a Christian action adventure series, and it’s available on Amazon at: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B06W5WL3B3

    If you’re interested, please email me and let me know the details of your preferred file format, and I’ll send a copy to you.

    Thank you for your consideration.
    ~ Em

  12. Hi Julia,

    I’ve just published my latest book, Not Ever, and would love it if you’d consider reviewing it.

    Amanda Sue King

  13. Dear Julia,

    We hope this email finds you well! This is Jamie, content mananger for Top Christian Books, an evangelical organization that exists to connect Christians with great books. Our mission is to be a resource for all Christians to discover the best Christian books on every topic, both old and new, fiction and non-fiction. You can find our mission/vision here :-).

    We are writing simply to inform you that your site has made our Top 300 Christian Author Blog list. Your ranking was based on a number of factors such as visitor traffic, social media activity, links to your site, number of books published, user survey votes, and a few more. (We understand that you may not be an author)

    You can find our list of 300 Christian Authors here: http://topchristianbooks.online/top-300-christian-author-blogs/

    We just wanted to give you a heads up and also provide this Top 300 Author Badge below, should you want to display it on your website! This would further help the reach and goals of our organization. Thanks!

    Check out the badge: http://topchristianbooks.online/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Top-300-Author-Blog-Badge.png

    Copy and paste this code into any HTML-friendly section of your website:

    Shaped by His Book,
    Jamie & the TCB Team

  14. Hi Julia,

    What if the only way to escape the darkness was to show the people you love what caused it?

    The idea for my novel, Parting Gifts, comes from years of delivering Meals on Wheels to elderly people alone and in need at the end of their lives. My imagination took over, and I created a fictional story of a woman trying to find peace in her final days.

    I would greatly appreciate hearing your thoughts on my story.


  15. Hi Julia,

    Thanks so much for your wonderful blog. Amazing how you infuse each of your reviews with so many pearls of wisdom

    I hoping you’ll have an interest in reviewing Theodora’s Children, the second book in the Tales Of Hope series. It’s aimed at younger readers and is meant to show them where hope lies in seemingly hopeless situations.

    You can find out more about Theodora’s Children at this link: http://www.dancingpenbooks.com/theodoras-children

    Thanks so much for considering. Blessings, Rick

  16. Hello Julia,
    I am a Christian Romance author and stubble upon your blog while searching for blog tours. I have a romantic thriller called The Path of the Chosen Warriors about to do an AMAZON COUNTDOWN PROMO FROM THE 19-22 and wonder if you could be interested in doing a Q&A or a review for me. YOu can email me and let me know what you are able to do. I thank you also.

  17. Hi Julia,
    Thank you for your work and sharing great books! I am also an author whose novel Grace Group was released June of this year. I would be honored if you’d consider reading/reviewing it. The feedback would be very much appreciated! Thanks,

  18. Hi, Julia. I have a controversial new book coming out that’s getting rave reviews on Goodreads. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35613157-a-conspiracy-of-breath

    Let’s start with the controversy.

    It’s an ancient controversy that’s existed for for hundreds of years. People have wondered about the anonymous author of the Epistle to the Hebrews. Many scholars (Hoppin, Harnack, Scheile) believe it was Priscilla, wife of Aquila, and companion and fellow-worker with Paul.

    One thing is for sure: Paul himself did not write Hebrews.

    Dr. Gilbert Bilezekian, mentor of Bill Hybels, has endorsed Latayne C. Scott’s book, A Conspiracy of Breath. Could it have been because of the role of women in the New Testament began to be suppressed in later centuries, that Hebrews lost its author’s name?

    “In a richly-textured, controversial and provocative literary work, award-winning author Latayne C. Scott examines: What would it have been like to be a woman, a Gentile, and someone onto whom the Holy Breath moved – to produce what became the mysterious Epistle to the Hebrews in the Bible?”

    Would you please consider reviewing it if I send you a PDF? And I will certainly provide an autographed copy if you want when it is released.

    And I would love to do a giveaway for you.

    Here is a meme: https://www.dropbox.com/s/64bk8i3x7ysnf6l/Priska.mp4?dl=0

    Thank you so much,
    Latayne C. Scott

  19. Hi Julia,
    Thank you for your lovely blog and your obvious enthusiasm for Christian books! As a Christian author I just wanted to say people like you are so important in extending God’s Kingdom. Especially here in the UK. I have recently published my second book, The Lie and wondered if you would consider reviewing it? I would really value your opinion. Please email me if you are interested.
    Best wishes,
    L R Clarke.

  20. Hi Julia, my name is Mark Taylor, and Christian Bookaholic was recommended to me as a popular web site for the discussion of Christian books.
    There are so very many wonderful books to be read, reviewed, shared, and discussed, that I wanted to give you the early scoop on one that I really think will be a great read for Christians and even non-Christians alike. A publishing expansion project is under way for a new non-fiction book called “What’s the Deal with Christians? – 117 Straightforward Answers to Challenging Questions about God, Christians, and Our Faith”. The book is already complete and available, but currently only in digital format. In order for it to be released in print format, a KickStarter campaign is running at https://goo.gl/tR9E7U, where people can not only contribute to the project, but also find out more about the book, read a free sample, buy their own copy, and of course spread the word.
    God has led me in this long project, and now that it is ready to take the next step, I would be honored to hear that you are interested in letting your readers be some of the first to find out about this, so that they can go check out this brand new work for themselves. Of course, if you are interested in reviewing the book yourself, I would be even more honored to provide you with a complimentary copy.
    Here’s to more books that reach the world with the Good News! Have a great day.

  21. Hi Julia,

    I wanted to thank you for reviewing my first two Howard County mysteries and let you and your readers know that, yes, there is a third novel in the works, as well as a fourth.

    HCM #3 is titled “Ice on the Bay.” We are finishing up final editing and hope to release it by the end of this year. Unfortunately, my editor-wife Kathleen (who will also be credited as a co-author on the book) has had some health problems over the past couple of months, so it’s been slow going. But we will get it done just as soon as we can.

    HCM #4 is in the early stages of writing. I also have two other works in progress, an SF/humor novel and a crime/humor novel.

    Thank you again!


  22. Good day,
    I pray I find you well.
    I am a Christian author, I write about subjects ranging from theology to culture. I am writing in order to ask whether you are currently reviewing books, if so what genre or otherwise if you can direct me to anyone who is currently reviewing.

    As a just in case FYI: my books are available at the following sites:



    Thank you for your time and attention,
    Ken Ammi

  23. Hi Julia,

    I’m Parker J. I am reaching out to see if you would be interested in reviewing my newest release called Time to Say Goodbye. It can be described as a sweet inspirational romance. I would be happy to send a copy to you if you are interested.

    Also, thank you for letting the comments be seen by others. I was able to reach out to an author whose book looks ESPECIALLY tantalizing. I have a podcast where I showcase Christian authors and I’m always open to meeting new authors so thank you! Hopefully, they will give me the opportunity to interview them.

    Thanks in advance for your consideration.

  24. From the comments here it seems your cats might have some serious lap time while you read! My new release is The Wisdom Tree, an allegory about an olive tree chosen, planted and nurtured by the Master of the Garden (of Gethsemane) for a special purpose. He has an unseen wise worm friend who nourishes him with tunnels of Scripture, and eventually meets Teacher – who bears a strong resemblance to Master.

    Like everyone else here, I hope to add reviews and would be very happy to send whatever form you like. Here is the Amazon link to give you a taste. https://www.amazon.com/Wisdom-Tree-Lisa-Worthey-Smith/dp/1546400893/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1510449167&sr=8-1&keywords=the+wisdom+tree+book

    Thanks for helping so many share their stories!


  25. Hi Julia,
    I would love you to look at ‘Pog and the King’s Armour’. It is not exactly a Christian book, but having loved CS Lewis since I was a child, this is my own ‘Narnia’. Similar to Lewis, I have hidden discussion points within the text. I hope parents, teachers and guardians can use it to guide younger readers in spiritual discussion. The feedback I have is that the points are well-hidden and don’t detract from the flow. Indeed, as the grandfather (and bedtime reader) of seven grandsons a primary aim was to create an absorbing children’s story, I am confident I ticked that box.


    • It sounds really great Eric 🙂 I have had a look at it your Amazon link. I will bear it in mind but have rather a huge TBR pile at the moment. XX

  26. I have published a novel that takes a positive but critical look at religion through the lens of science fiction. It is written in the same vein as The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and has been praised by reviewers for its clever examination of Jesus.

    The book is called Burnt Jesus, and you can check it out on all online platforms. It posits the idea that there are alternate realities where other Jesusi dies for our sins in different ways. The narrative plot is a murder mystery and includes a trip to Hell to confront Lucifer. I would be happy to send you a review mobi if you are interested in reading and reviewing it.

    I used the penname of Landon Alspiret to write Burnt Jesus as my other books are written for middle schoolers and this book wouldn’t fit in with those 21 books. If any of those books are of interest please let me know.

    I am a writer who is determined to produce works that are thought provoking and have heart. If you take the time to read some of my reviews, you’ll see that readers are really picking up on my sincere approach.



    Thanks for your time,

    Brian Clopper

    • Hi Brian

      Thank you for your kind offer. I am afraid that as I do not read the genre of sci fi, I would not be the right person to read and review your novel. I thank you for thinking of me and wish you well with your sales.


      Julia. X

  27. Hello Julia,
    Would you be willing to read and review my novel The Wager? I write under the pen name Laura Lamy (rhymes with Sammy). It is an action/adventure Regency romance, with a Christian perspective. I have been reading Georgette Heyer for 30+ yrs, and tried to write the story in her mode. (Though not at her level of course.) Because you are also English, as she was, and no doubt an appreciator of her work, I would be especially interested to know what you think of my effort. The Wager is available through Amazon and Kindle, but I would be pleased to mail you a copy if you would like. Thank you.
    I also did the cover art. I tried to illustrate the picture in the style (especially the aesthetic) of the artist who did the dust jacket for Georgette Heyer’s Charity Girl, E.P. Dutton & Co., N.Y., 1970. I could not find his/her name in a “cover art by” credit line and, regretfully, can not give you his/her name. But, once again, I would be most interested to have your opinion.

  28. Hi Julia,

    I’m writing to share a compelling story about a female Muslim refugee and her story of escape, rescue and converting to Christianity. Her story culminates in her book out now with HarperCollins, Stranger No More: A Muslim Refugee’s Story of Harrowing Escape, Miraculous Rescue, and the Quiet Call of Jesus (Thomas Nelson / HarperCollins). The remarkable true story of Annahita Parsan’s fight against brutal and debilitating oppression, fleeing Iran across the mountains into Turkey, spending months in the terrifying Agri prison before an astonishing release and life-changing flight to Europe, where she and her two children found freedom, hope, and Christianity.
    Parsan is now the leader of two congregations in Sweden and has baptized hundreds of former Muslims since her own conversion. Filled with unthinkable circumstances, hope and a happy ending, Stranger No More leads readers toward the same call that Annahita heeds today: using her past to save others from theirs.

    Would you be interested in exploring a piece on this? I’d be happy to send you a copy of the book. For more information, visit http://www.StrangerNoMoreBook.com.

    Thanks in advance!

  29. Hello Julia,
    I am enjoying your blog. We just went on a trip where we met many foreigners from 6 continents and our four favorite were from England!
    I am trying to promote my first book, “To Be Called Mary”, a Christian Historical Fiction. I would love to have you read it and tell me what you think
    Thank you, Kate

  30. Greetings!
    My name is Wendy Saddler, with Authors Large and Small. We help promote up and coming authors, ranging from historical fiction, sci-fi, fantasy, Christian fiction, YA, suspense, and much more. We would like to introduce you to a very brilliant up and coming author, named John Fischer, entitled Fearless Faith: Living Beyond the Walls of Safe Christianity.
    Christian radio, Christian television, Christian schools, and Christian activism have created a cushion that protects believers from a world that often ridicules Christian beliefs and values. Is this the life of faith Christ’s followers are called to? Christian leader and musician John Fischer challenges believers to break out of the safety zone and share Christ through acts of love, intelligent conversation, and genuine compassion. Readers will discover how they can…
    • meet and connect with the lost
    • face danger with excitement by depending on Jesus
    • understand what it truly means to be “set apart”
    Fearless Faith offers the encouragement and tools Christians need to step out in faith and point people to the salvation found in the Jesus.

    About the Author
    John Fischer has been mixing his unique combination of singing, speaking, and humor for a variety of audiences for more than thirty years. A bestselling writer, John is the author of Fearless Faith, 12 Steps for the Recovering Pharisee (Like Me), Real Christians Don’t Dance, and the award-winning Saint Ben. Fischer graduated from Wheaton College and later served as Artist in Residence at Gordon College in Massachusetts.

    Given your web site/blog’s focus I think a review of these books would be a good fit. Please let me know if this interests you and I’ll have the authors send you a copy. If you have any questions, please contact me at wendy.saddler@hotmail.com, or cedeptula@sbcglobal.net

  31. Greetings!
    My name is Wendy Saddler, with Authors Large and Small. We help promote up and coming authors, ranging from historical fiction, sci-fi, fantasy, Christian fiction, YA, suspense, and much more. We would like to introduce you to two very brilliant up and coming authors, named, Larry Higdon, John Fischer, and Jeffrey Checker. Their books are entitled, The Storms of Deliverance, The School from Hell Fearless Faith: Living Beyond the Walls of Safe Christianity, and A Trial By Fire: My Walk Into Hell And Back, and they’re a can’t miss!
    Larry Higdon’s The Storms of Deliverance. (Christian novel) Tale of an ex-Atlanta Braves player who wakes up broken down by the side of the road, unable to remember the past 27 years of his life. Story of how he puts everything together and overcomes the alcoholism that has led to his memory loss. Suspense and human-interest story, author has been compared to Nick Hornby. Higdon is a lawyer who has served as an elementary school counselor and certified play therapist. http://www.amazon.com/Storms-Deliverance-Larry-Higdon/dp/1613465297/


    The School from Hell explores the deterioration of public education through the eyes of an elementary school counselor. Katy Nguyen, riffed from her job at an affluent charter school, goes to work at Horseshoe Farms Elementary School in the north Georgia mountains. She finds a building with busted out windows, leaky pipes, puddles of water on the floors, an infestation of rats, plumbing problems, and a nonfunctioning heating and air-conditioning system. Her principal cares about nothing except standardized test scores. The parents with whom she meets range from narrow-minded to poignant to wildly eccentric. Katy also has personal demons to battle, including her own bipolar condition and her daughter’s drug addiction. At times her plight seems so overwhelming that she considers suicide. Throughout the school year, Katy counts the days until she will be able to transfer to another school. As a result of her counseling duties, however, she meets a first-grade girl named Carly. She learns from this child, who is determined to overcome all of her considerable obstacles. Life keeps knocking Carly down, but the child keeps getting back up. Her interactions with Carly lead Katy to a new and life changing perspective.

    Christian radio, Christian television, Christian schools, and Christian activism have created a cushion that protects believers from a world that often ridicules Christian beliefs and values. Is this the life of faith Christ’s followers are called to? Christian leader and musician John Fischer challenges believers to break out of the safety zone and share Christ through acts of love, intelligent conversation, and genuine compassion. Readers will discover how they can…
    • meet and connect with the lost
    • face danger with excitement by depending on Jesus
    • understand what it truly means to be “set apart”
    Fearless Faith offers the encouragement and tools Christians need to step out in faith and point people to the salvation found in the Jesus.
    About the Author
    John Fischer has been mixing his unique combination of singing, speaking, and humor for a variety of audiences for more than thirty years. A bestselling writer, John is the author of Fearless Faith, 12 Steps for the Recovering Pharisee (Like Me), Real Christians Don’t Dance, and the award-winning Saint Ben. Fischer graduated from Wheaton College and later served as Artist in Residence at Gordon College in Massachusetts.


    Supernatural investigator Jeffrey Checker takes you on a journey into his life. Jeffrey has been investigating the supernatural occurrences of this world for over 40 years, and brings to light the bizarre invisible world of supernatural beings that cause conflict and strife in our physical world.

    If you are being bothered by things that go bump in the night, this book might be for you.
    Given your web site/blog’s focus I think a review of this book would be a good fit. Please let me know if this interests you and I’ll have the authors send you a copy. If you have any questions, please contact me at wendy.saddler@hotmail.com, or cedeptula@sbcglobal.net

  32. Dear Julia,
    Would you be willing to review my book, Gathering Courage: A Life-Changing Journey through Adoption, Adversity, and a Reading Disability? This book non-fiction Christian book just won its 12th award and a review from you would greatly be appreciated.
    If you’re interested, please email me and let me know the details of your preferred file format, and I’ll send a copy to you.
    Thank you for your consideration.
    T A McMullin

  33. Hi Julia, I recently wrote a Christian fiction novel called ‘The Armoire’. Here’s the blurb on it:
    Maxine, a psychology major from Wisconsin, has always wondered what her grandmother kept locked away in her armoire. But when she inherits it, Maxine unlocks something divine and wonderful that’s to lead her to the answer of her life’s biggest question – what is my purpose? She embarks on a journey that opens her eyes, opens her heart, and lights a fire in her soul. She’s shown things that people only dream of, as well as the things of nightmares. Inspired, Maxine sets her life on a new course, but life comes with pain, just as it does joy. Shaken by a devastating discovery, she has to learn to trust God to go where she cannot and protect who she cannot. Will she be able to stay the course, or will the discovery be too much for her to bear?
    It got a 5 star Readers Favorite rating and several great reviews on Amazon and Goodreads.
    Would you be willing to review it? If so, you can email me and let me know which format you’d prefer.
    Thanks and Merry Christmas!!!
    Ione Joy

  34. Dear Julia,
    I have a sincere passion for the cross and the Saviour. I need active reviews from the UK for my UK Amazon ebooks. Here are the links:https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00OGTXUTE
    2. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B078RS4F48
    by JULIUS OGUNBIYI (Author)
    by JULIUS.B OGUNBIYI (Author)
    Thank you for your sisterly assistance and motivation. I would like to list these books on your blog and run a free giveaway package for those interested in giving reviews in return.

    • Thank you for the offer but I prefer reading fiction books and feel I am not the right person to read and review. I wish you all the very best with your sales.
      Julia. XX

  35. Hi Julia!!
    My name is Wendy Saddler, with Authors Large and Small. We help promote up and coming authors, ranging from historical fiction, sci-fi, fantasy, Christian fiction, YA, suspense, and much more. We would like to introduce you to some very brilliant up and coming authors, named John Fischer, entitled Fearless Faith: Living Beyond the Walls of Safe Christianity, Poems for All Occasions, by Linda Mangram, Jeffrey Checker’s, “A Trial by Fire: My Walk into Hell and Back”, Right in the Middle, But Left Out, by Jeffrey Checker, and Larry Higdon’s The Storms of Deliverance, and The School From Hell. Check out these books below, and see how special and powerful they are
    Christian radio, Christian television, Christian schools, and Christian activism have created a cushion that protects believers from a world that often ridicules Christian beliefs and values. Is this the life of faith Christ’s followers are called to? Christian leader and musician John Fischer challenges believers to break out of the safety zone and share Christ through acts of love, intelligent conversation, and genuine compassion. Readers will discover how they can…
    • meet and connect with the lost
    • face danger with excitement by depending on Jesus
    • understand what it truly means to be “set apart”
    Fearless Faith offers the encouragement and tools Christians need to step out in faith and point people to the salvation found in the Jesus.

    Poems for All Occasions, by Linda Mangram
    In this book of poems, Laura draws from her own personal experiences, and shares with her readers, just Who it was that gave her strength to face the obstacles and challenges that came her way. Check out the information from Amazon and see for yourself just how special this book is
    “We read for many different reasons. For Inspiration or encouragement. To
    make us laugh or at least chuckle. To reminisce about family or friends.
    I have tried to do all of it in this book of poetry.”

    Right in the Middle, But Left Out, by Jeffrey Trees. This is a powerful book that deals with sexual abuse, in particular incest, from a Christian perspective, and it’s one you WILL want to read. Check out the info below on this book and see for yourself.
    Author Jeffery Trees shares a heartrending story of his experiences of learning that his first wife has repressed memories of being an incest victim, of being a Pastor at a church where no one could offer help, and of going through it all with his new wife who had a physical disability.
    In his memoir, “Right in the Middle but Left Out”, he hopes that readers will find inspiration and hope from what he went through, so they can also stand up and get through with whatever issues or conflicts they are dealing with right now.
    The author’s first wife was an incest victim as a child and when she was forced through circumstances to bring back up the repressed memories, each member of the family was changed. Nine months went by before his wife was able to express what she was dealing with. Society has made incest a taboo issue and no one knew the extent of such devastation this would bring into life for the author and his family, friends, Church and other employers, as well as insurance companies.
    No one within the Church knew how to deal with issues of incest and what it does to a family and a Pastor never did anything to bring help into the situation. Even though he asked for help from the Bishop, District Superintendent and asked who was in charge of insurance, no help was ever given.
    He asked for visitation for his wife and family and never received any help of any kind so there was no resolution. This even caused a deep problem with the Church with his new wife who had a physical disability. He became a problem rather than a pastor for the United Methodist Church. But through it all, God took care of everyone through His grace. And this proves that God is the refuge everyone seeks.

    Jeffrey Checker, has written a very powerful book detailing his personal encounters with the occult and Satanic activity, entitled; “A Trial by Fire: My Walk into Hell and Back”. This is a FACTUAL book that deals with the occult, paranormal, demons, and more so, that you don’t want to miss out on! Check put the information of this book below and see the truth for yourself.
    Supernatural investigator Jeffrey Checker takes you on a journey into his life. Jeffrey has been investigating the supernatural occurrences of this world for over 40 years, and brings to light the bizarre invisible world of supernatural beings that cause conflict and strife in our physical world.

    If you are being bothered by things that go bump in the night, this book might be for you.
    Larry Higdon’s The Storms of Deliverance. (Christian novel) Tale of an ex-Atlanta Braves player who wakes up broken down by the side of the road, unable to remember the past 27 years of his life. Story of how he puts everything together and overcomes the alcoholism that has led to his memory loss. Suspense and human-interest story, author has been compared to Nick Hornby. Higdon is a lawyer who has served as an elementary school counselor and certified play therapist. http://www.amazon.com/Storms-Deliverance-Larry-Higdon/dp/1613465297/


    The School from Hell explores the deterioration of public education through the eyes of an elementary school counselor. Katy Nguyen, riffed from her job at an affluent charter school, goes to work at Horseshoe Farms Elementary School in the north Georgia mountains. She finds a building with busted out windows, leaky pipes, puddles of water on the floors, an infestation of rats, plumbing problems, and a nonfunctioning heating and air-conditioning system. Her principal cares about nothing except standardized test scores. The parents with whom she meets range from narrow-minded to poignant to wildly eccentric. Katy also has personal demons to battle, including her own bipolar condition and her daughter’s drug addiction. At times her plight seems so overwhelming that she considers suicide. Throughout the school year, Katy counts the days until she will be able to transfer to another school. As a result of her counseling duties, however, she meets a first-grade girl named Carly. She learns from this child, who is determined to overcome all of her considerable obstacles. Life keeps knocking Carly down, but the child keeps getting back up. Her interactions with Carly lead Katy to a new and life changing perspective.

    Given your web site/blog’s focus I think a review of these books would be a good fit. Please let me know if this interests you and I’ll have the authors send you a copy. If you have any questions, please contact me at wendy.saddler@hotmail.com, or cedeptula@sbcglobal.net

  36. Hello,
    Would you be interested in seeing my recent book, THERE’S A HOLE. It’s the story of a happy Christian family, father, mother, four daughters, who live a good life on a hill overlooking a small town. Everything is fine until the kids dig up something in the back yard – bones.
    Now the father and his good friend, the county sheriff, try to solve the mysteries of who, what, why. The father would much rather be having dinner, going on a picnic, or just attending church with his family.
    If you’re interested, I can see about getting it to you via Kindle.
    Regards and Happy Valentine’s Day
    James Sarjent

  37. Hello Julia,

    I hope you don’t mind me leaving you a message on your guestbook.

    I work for a UK publishing company, and we are looking to expand our network of bloggers to potentially review titles from our catalogue of religious fiction and non-fiction collection.

    Is this an opportunity you are interested in? If you wish to discuss further, please let me know.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you.

    Kind regards,
    Colm O’Rourke
    Marketing Team Leader
    Austin Macauley Publishers

  38. Hi Julia … My eleventh book in the Smoky Mtns of Tennessee LOST INHERITANCE publishes April 3rd, 2018. I noticed you’ve reviewed a number of my author friends’ books similar to mine, and if you would like to have an early copy of my new book to review and read, I would be happy to send you one. My books are Southern (US) contemporary fiction – with a little romance, a dash of suspense, a touch of inspiration, and a big dollop of Appalachian flavor. A New York Times and USA Today Best-Selling author, I belong to ACRW, RWA, Pen Women, and Tn Mtn Writers … and I love sending my books to readers in other countries so they can enjoy visiting the beautiful mountain area near my home with a heart-warming and engaging story …You can read more about me and my novels at my website at: http://www.linstepp.com

  39. Julia,
    I would be honored if you would review my two suspense novels: VEILED and the sequel, THE SAND BRIDE. The books are available on my website (www.cyanagaffney.com), Amazon, and numerous other distribution sites. I have been getting excellent reviews from readers, but I would love to expand by getting some reviews from a few great book bloggers. If you are interested, please let me know your policy for submissions.
    Have a great weekend,

  40. Hello Julia,

    I love reading your reviews and have found some wonderful books through your recommendations!

    I have a Christian historical romance series (two of three books published, the third to publish this October) and would love to have you review them. I also have bookmarks for the series that I can send you to either give away with the review, or I can send them out to winners (or anyone who would like one).

    Here is a link to the first two titles on Amazon:


    Thank you!

    Cecily Wolfe

  41. BaptismSong.com Book Review Request

    Hi ​​​Miss Julia,

    My name is Bethany​ age 11​ and I wrote The Baptism Song Book with my daddy​ for tiny babies ​all around the whole wide world.

    Here it is on the website: http://www.BaptismSong.com Our friend Kayla sings it and she is a good singer.

    My daddy wrote The Baptism Song when he could not find a Baptism, Christening or Baby Dedication song when he looked for one when mommy was pregnant with me and my twin brother named Christian.

    The Baptism Song Book and video is really nice and fun. It makes people happy cry which is nice.

    I want to be an artist and art director when I get big. We had a nice young lady named Mentol from the country of Malang City in Indonesia make the illustrations from my sketches. She is very nice. Mentol used my sketches to make her illustrations in The Baptism Song Book.

    Would you please review my book and maybe write something nice about it on your nice website.

    It is the first book that I helped to write with my daddy.

    It is fun for parents, grandparents and adults to sing to children at night time and we are having a contest so that people will know how to sing our Baptism Song. Mentol will draw a painting of the winner.

    Thank you very much,

    Bethany​ Marguerite Bella Buettner

    Age 11 years old​ in grade 6 at Severna Park Middle School

    From Daddy – I tried to edit as little as possible from Bethany above.

  42. Hello! I was wondering if you’d consider reviewing my Christian Fiction Novel, Talents. Here is a plot summary:
    Parker Wilson has nothing more to worry about than his marketing job and donating bone marrow to his nephew who is fighting leukemia. Then he meets Marcus, a little boy dying of a brain tumor who spends most days alone in a hospital room. Because of this boy’s life and then death, Parker is forced to step outside his suburban comfort zone and confront the struggles, not only of one family, but of an entire community.

    Collin O’Neill has it all — the perfect job, the perfect house, the perfect car. But he is lonely. When his friend asks him to help out in a local community center holding a weekly basketball clinic, Collin reluctantly decides to give it a try. That’s when he meets a woman named Shondra, who helps him discover that the things he thought he valued most are, in fact, the least important when compared to true riches and lasting relationships.

    You can see the book on Amazon here:

    Thanks so much for considering this. Hope you have a wonderful day!

  43. Julia, I’m writing to ask if you would be interested in reviewing my book, “Choice of the Mighty.” It’s book 1 in the Christian fantasy series “Chronicles of Stephen.” Book 2, “Trials of the Mighty,” is presently available for pre-sale.

    If so, I’m willing to provide you with either an e-pub, paperback, or hardcover copy. Below is a link to Amazon. Thank you for your time. And, God bless,


    • Thank you for the offer but I do not think I am the right person to read and review as fantasy is not my chosen genre. I wish you well with your sales. Every blessing. XX

  44. Hi Julia,

    I just published my debut novel “Haunted House Flipper.” It’s a Christian supernatural story about a realtor named Ray who comes across supernatural tools that allow him to fight off demons. I’d be happy to supply a free copy to you if it sounds like something you would enjoy.


    Ray is a friendless realtor who stumbles on some supernatural tools, including a sword, that can rid a property of evil spirits. He decides to use them to change his career and finally become a house flipper, but on a grander scale. He plans to flip old haunted mansions that no one else will buy, rid them of their evil spirits, renovate them, and sell them for a hefty profit. Getting them to leave isn’t as easy as he’d hoped and he has some competition from Bill Baldock, who buys up haunted mansions to destroy them and build apartment complexes in their place. Discover a new world within our own with Ray as he tries to learn how to use his new tools against demons, make new friends, and outsmart new enemies.

    Thanks for your consideration and may the riches of God’s grace be abundant in your life.

  45. Hi Julia:
    I’m an American but I have my book on Amazon UK. Would love to see a review from you on there. My biblical fiction e-book is “Martha’s Sister Beloved Prodigal” about Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. They walked with Jesus in first century AD, the century that changed history. If you want to read some sample chapters to help you decide, please go to http://makerstouch.tyepad.com/sample_chapters. Anyone else who reads this is welcome to do so also. Thank you.

  46. Hello Julia,
    I am a Christian children’s book author. I know that you read mostly Christian fiction and non-fiction but would like to know if you would be willing to read and review my book “The Lamb of Life” if so please email me and I will send you a copy of the book.
    God bless!

  47. Hello Julia,

    Hope all is well. I would love for you to review my new book: Hope in 24 Hours (Your situation can change for the better). https://youtu.be/NY9NHi44FIk

    It reads like a memoir but it has stories of How God changed several situations in my life in 24 hours or less. It also includes the story of how I met my wife and hours after I met her, I asked her to marry me. We’ve been married for 21 years and have 3 children.


    Comedian Nazareth

    • Thank you for the offer but I am snowed under with books at the moment.
      I wish you well with your sales.
      Every blessing. XXX

  48. Greetings Julia,

    My name is LaShawn Dobbs. I am the owner of DiViNE Purpose Publishing Co. At this time we are in search for Christian Book Bloggers who may be interested in hosting virtual book tours.

    If you’re interested, please feel free to email me.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    LaShawn Dobbs

  49. Hello Julia,

    I am the author of Swept to Sea and Carried Home, inspirational historical romances with Clean Reads Publishing. If you are interested in reading either of my books, please feel free to contact me, and I can get you an ecopy for review.

    Thanks so much!


    • Thank you for the offer Heather but I am snowed under at the moment with books to read. I wish you well with your sales. Lots of love. XX

  50. Hi Julia,

    My name is Rachel and I am the publicity coordinator at Charisma Media. It’s a pleasure to “e-meet” you! Your writing is very clear and concise, and I enjoy reading your reviews.

    We’re publishing a book called “Desperate Prayers for Desperate Times” by John Eckhardt (Aug. 2018). I think you’d be interested in reviewing it. It teaches readers how to be steadfast in prayer even in desperate situations. I would be more than happy to mail you an advanced reader copy.

    If you’re interested, please feel free to shoot me an email with your mailing address.

    Thank you,
    Rachel Sammons
    407-333-0600, ext 3403

  51. I would love for you to consider my two early historicals for review. Publishers have told me the history is too ancient – 432 AD – but I wrote them anyway. My first, A Secret Hope, is set in Ireland at the time that Patrick brought the gospel there. A line from Patrick’s Confession inspired the story. Patrick spoke of the “privilege of baptizing a beautiful Irish princess.” And the second story is The Fury of Dragons, and the title comes from a line in Patrick’s Letter to the Soldiers of Coroticus, in which he condemns the Roman British chieftain who stole his newly baptized converts and “gave girls away like prizes.” Here are the two links to them, if you might be interested. Of course, I would gift you a copy of them. They are ebooks, but I’m looking into using CreateSpace to have have printed copies soon.



    They are both stand alone stories. If you had to choose just one, The Fury of Dragons is my most recent. Thank you so much for your consideration. (And I understand if the time period is too ancient for you!)

  52. Hi Julia,

    I have an upcoming workbook about finding your life purpose ready for reviews. My other books are here: https://www.amazon.com/default/e/B00OCB4GZI and this one will be called Coach Yourself with the Father. The chapters are

    I. Who You Are
    1. Your Design 2. Your Mirror 3. Your Personality

    II. What You Do
    4. Gifts & Talents 5. Knowledge & Experience 6. Spiritual Gifts

    III. Why You Do It
    7. Values 8. Passion 9. Dreams

    IV. When Purpose Begins
    10. The Journey 11. Action 12. Legacy

    It’s a fast read as most of the content is in the form of stories, assessments, questions, etc. I’d be delighted to send you an ePub or PDF. The on-sale date is August 25.


  53. Hey Julia! I’m sure you get tons of messages for book review so I won’t take up much of your time. My book is titled “What Are We Chasing?” and is about becoming better chasers in life by refocusing our vision on God and family.

    I found myself chasing my job and my career and neglecting my relationship with God and my wife, Charity. I set out to encourage and challenge readers to prioritize what they are chasing in life and make God their main focus.

    The book releases September 15th and will be self published. If you prefer a physical copy, I’d be happy to send one your way when I get them in.I also sent through facebook messenger a PDF of the book, our website, and a pic of the book. Let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks so much!

  54. Hi Julia

    I’d like to offer you the first in my Christian urban fantasy series to read and review. The main character is a Church of England female priest. You might enjoy the character of her Associate, Morey, who is a cat sized gryphon. My website is http://www.chryscymri.com if you’d like to have a look. The first book is called ‘The Temptation of Dragons.’

    • Thank you for the offer Chrys. I am not the right person to read and review for you as fantasy is not a genre I read. I wish you well with your sales. XX

  55. Hi Julia
    The president of my christian writers group came across your blog and suggested I contact you. I have written an old testament epic, Gideon: The Sound and The Glory. I have takes 100 versus in judges 6-8, seven pages and created a 384 page novel. The novel is saturated with revelatory insights that keep to the original biblical text. My latest press release to give you a taste and its on Amazon. hard, soft , kindle and audio. I hope you take the bait its worth the hook. and the line. Your brother in Christ Jesus Joseph

  56. Hi Julia,

    My name is Robert Woolston and I’m a Christian author reaching out to inquire about a possible book review on your website for my new book entitled City of Saints. The book is a nonfiction philosophy and history text covering the similarities between the philosophy of Stoicism and Catholic belief system. Specifically, I cover the historical development of Stoicism from Ancient Greece and Rome, and how various aspects of the philosophy can be gleaned from Christian writings, theology and history. Finally, I provide descriptions of the various virtues and ethics found in Stoicism and Christianity which readers can apply in their day-to-day lives.

    Let me know if you would be interested in reading and reviewing my book and I can provide you either a digital eBook copy or mail you a paperback copy.

    Thank you for your consideration and God bless!

  57. Hi Julia,
    My third novel releases this December, and I am putting together a mini blog tour. I’d love to have you review Mistletoe Melody as part of the tour. This particular book is a novella, so it is shy of 100 pages. I writing in advance in hopes you might have time between December 1st and December 20th, 2018 to post a review. Mistletoe Melody is an inspirational Christian romance.

  58. Good evening Julia,
    I am in the process of publishing a book Solomon’s Dreams which is a Christian Suspense Thriller. I would be happy to send you a free copy to review. Even if you don’t review it, I would still send you the book for your pleasure. I have been told by various people and others writers that is a great book with great potential success. This is my first time publishing. Peace

  59. Hi Julia:

    I’m assisting Artemis Craig in gathering reviews for her book, “Inspirational Verse for Those Who Hunger and Thirst: A Book of Poems to Feed the Soul,” and we hope you’ll consider it for review.

    Summary: Artemis Craig takes us on her firewalk from spiritual bankruptcy to redemption via compelling, heartfelt poetry and prose. Through the power of Faith, Poetry, and Love, she finds the strength to cope with Hollywood “failure”; devastating family losses; homelessness; single parenthood; attempted suicide and breakdowns. Her poems honor and reflect “the strong women of God” who wanted her to be saved, and serve as a testament to her “Fight On” determination.

    Here’s an excerpt:
    “By God’s grace, I regained my appetite for the wisdom I received from my grandmother and my mother who taught me about life and introduced me to Christianity while serving up savory dishes of fried corn, okra, green tomatoes, and collard greens smothered in Deep South Chow Chow Relish, along with bone-chewing fried chicken.”—Artemis Craig

    I will post her information below, and you may also contact me, Marlan Warren, at memoircity at gmail.

    We can send you either a pdf or the paperback, if you prefer.

    Thank you so much for the worthy service you are doing for faith-based writers and readers.

  60. Hi Julia,
    I just published a second part of my book series, The Perfection in Love, and I would like to send you copies of the first two parts to see what you think. Reply and let me know if you are available!

    Thanks and God’s songs,

  61. Growing Forward When You Can’t Go Back – Review Request

    Dear Julia,

    I hope this finds you well — and not currently in need of the book I recently wrote! Growing Forward When You Can’t Go Back will be published by Bethany House in January 2019.

    When we lose someone we love — whether by divorce, disease, or death — we’re never the same. Heartbroken, we’re left to pick up the pieces. We know we have to move forward, but we just can’t find the strength. We need help and hope…but where do we start?

    I’m Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen, author of Growing Forward When You Can’t Go Back. In this book I share stories of contemporary and biblical women who transcended extraordinary pain and grief. I weave in my own experiences of growing up with a single schizophrenic mother, living in foster care, teaching in Africa for three years, and coping with infertility.

    Growing Forward When You Can’t Go Back offers a fresh, practical perspective for women walking through loss into a new season of life.

    Every chapter includes five Blossom Tips that highlight a different aspect of who we are: spirit, heart, soul, body, and mind. By the end of the book, readers have 50 spiritual, emotional, creative, physical, and intellectual ways to move forward. This holistic approach gives women a variety of tools for healing, and honors different personalities, cultures, interests and abilities.

    My “She Blossoms” blogs attract more than 20,000 unique visitors per day. I write tips-based articles to help readers walk through loss. I send a newsletter every Wednesday to 5,500 subscribers, and my “She Blossoms” Facebook Group is an active, warm, supportive community.

    Author Bio: Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen, MSW, writes in her treehouse overlooking the ocean in Vancouver, Canada. She created the “She Blossoms” books and blogs in 2008, and has earned a living as a writer since then. Her experiences with a schizophrenic mother, foster homes, family estrangement, attempted rape, infertility, and three years teaching in Africa taught her that choosing to grow forward is essential — especially when you can’t go back! Laurie’s degrees are in Psychology, Education, and Social Work.

    Would you be willing to read and possibly review Growing Forward When You Can’t Go Back? I’d be happy to send you a print or digital copy in early December.

    I look forward to hearing from you, and wish you all the best.

    Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen
    (604) 910-4624

  62. Hi! I just found your site and I am with Wow! Women on Writing. I’m putting together a blog tour for the non-fiction book “Time to Refresh” by Karen Brown Tyson. Here’s the link to the book – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GCJ115V/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1. I would love for you to join the tour! It starts November 26th and lasts through December 30th. If you are interested, send me an email to nicole[at]wow-womenonwriting.com and I can send you more info!

  63. Dear Julia,

    I am interested in knowing if you would review my recently published book, MARY KNEW-A Biography of Mary from Ancient Scriptures.
    It is written in the historical narrative format. Novelette-size, the book is a quick read. I used the eye witness testimony of James, the youngest son of Joseph. He lived at the family home and traveled to Bethlehem with Mary and Joseph. His scriptures, used in the early Christian churches for hundreds of years, provided witness to awe inspiring events in the life of Mary. He became a chief Apostle and the first Christian Bishop of Jerusalem.
    The book was written in answer to the popular song, “Mary, Did You Know?” That song gave people the impression Mary was an average teenager. She was not. She was named, consecrated and ordained to be the mother of Jesus, Immanuel, before her conception. Filled with angels, miracles, fulfillment of prophecies, readers will learn the angels were correct when they said Mary would be the most important woman to ever be born on Earth.
    I included a glossary, references and prophecies about Jesus.
    If you are interested in reviewing the book, please let me know where I may send a copy.

    Thank you for your kind consideration.

    Irene Baron

    Irene Baron
    320 East Highland Dr, Zanesville, OH 43701
    URL: http://www.irenebaron.com http://www.maryknew.com
    Blog Index: http://www.irenebaron.com/blog_index1/
    Author Book Link: http://www.irenebaron.com/christmas_star_mystery/
    To Order: https://www.amazon.com/author/irenebaron

  64. Hi!

    My name is Lanna Webb. I’m a new, self-published author of Christian Historical Romance. I’m looking for opportunities to get the word out about Lonesome Wolf, my novel set in 1868 in Texas. I would love if you would consider it for a review.
    If you’d like to check us out, my website is http://www.lannawebb.com
    and the amazon link for Lonesome Wolf, my book is: https://www.amazon.com/Lonesome-Wolf-Klein-Creek-Book-ebook/dp/B07GQLV1D9/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1540845956&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=lanna+webb

    Thank you so much for your consideration!

    Lanna Webb

    • Thank you Lanna for the offer to read and review. Your book sounds fabulous. Unfortunately I am unable to add any more books to my TBR pile at this moment as my Dad has had a heart attack and I am all behind on my reading. I wish you well with your sales. XX

  65. Hi, Julia! I love what you’re doing here! I saw that your Dad had a heart attack; I’m so sorry to hear that. Saying a praying for you and your family.

    When you get back to reading, I would love to share my new book with you! It’s called Genuine Miracles: True Stories from Real People. Until 11/10, the eBook is free on Amazon, but I will be happy to send you a free PDF copy if you don’t get to download it before the promotion ends! Anyway, here’s a link: https://smile.amazon.com/Genuine-Miracles-True-Stories-People-ebook/dp/B07K6QW5H1/

  66. Hi Julia,
    I have loved browsing through your website and have added a few books to my reading to do list!
    I wondered whether you review books like daily Bible notes as part of your Christian non-fiction reading?
    Fresh from the Word 2019 is a 388 page paperback book offering a daily Bible reading plan that seeks to inspire those both new and mature in their faith. It provides 365 sets of notes, prayers and suggestions for action on biblical themes written by over 50 theologians and biblical scholars; creative and inspirational writers from around the world. These global perspectives are one of the unique elements to these daily bible notes.

    The 2019 bible notes invite readers to go on a journey, listen, seek and find as the writers consider the modern desert in the midst of our busy lives and communities. Fresh from the Word 2019 provides a relevant daily guide to help Christians apply the Bible to their everyday lives.

    The book is only £9.95 so good value for a years reading!

    Let me know what you think.


  67. Hi Julia,
    I’m sorry to hear about your dad. I hope he’s doing much better. I’m a USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance and I’ve just put my first Christian new adult romance up for pre-order. Here’s the Amazon link: http://amzn.eu/d/aG5f68S. I’m happy to send you an ARC copy in whatever format works best. Thank you for your consideration!

    • Hi Christy, thank you so much for the offer, your book looks great. I am afraid I am snowed under with reading at the moment but I wish you well with sales.
      My Dad is improving slowly but still not back to his usual happy self. Lots of love. XX

  68. Hi Julia,
    I have just released a fiction series that propels the modern reader (and modern characters) back in time to 1st century Jerusalem. After browsing through the variety of books that you have reviewed, I think this may fit into your oeuvre. Like Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, it uses a time travel device to put the characters into an ancient historical setting, the crucifixion of Christ. The point of the series is to bring biblical events to those who don’t seek them out AND make it interesting without being preachy. The book blurb is below:

    A kidnapping, a time traveler, a prophesy fulfilled, all coalesce to create a mystery unsolved.

    Known as Moon, Yachunne Ade K’okshi of the Anshi Annodine is his given Zuni name. Ordered to track down Mary who was abducted into 1st century Jerusalem by a time-traveling Reader of the mythical Ark of the Covenant, he risks life and limb to find her.
    When her journey to fulfill prophesies carries them both to Pontius Pilate’s court, his intervention in a savage trial turns deadly when he is sentenced to be scourged and then crucified as an example to all who might interfere.
    To save him, she must betray her holy mission.

    But when the future intercedes, truth blurs and reality goes sideways.

    Bloodgood Messiah is the first novel in the Bloodgood series


    If you are interested in 1st century Jerusalem, the Ark of the Covenant, ancient prophesies, Herod’s 1st century Jewish Temple, archeology, Pontius Pilate, time travel, ancient Roman customs, ancient Jewish customs, the Christian Messiah, Biblical events, and science fiction, then this is the book for you.

    If this sounds interesting, please let me know and I can send whatever digital file you like.

  69. I just found your blog and love it. I am also an avid reader of Christian books. If you’re interested, you might like my 1930s historical novels based on true stories.

    A Promise to Break is about Sibyl, a banker’s daughter, who meets a penniless hobo. She marries into this poor Christian family against her father’s wishes.

  70. Hi Julia, if you have the time and interest, I would love for you to take a look at my first of a three-book inspirational romance series, Plan B. It’s a fun, quick read. Here is a link:
    I’m happy to send you a paperback or whatever file you’d like. God bless your efforts to spread the word about good, Christian fiction!


  71. Hello Julia, if you are interested in allegory and Christian symbolism, my latest Christian fiction book grapples with God’s strength being perfected in our weakness, and lends a voice to those who have none (my oldest son is non-verbal). Just let me know if you’re interest. God bless.
    You can check it out at:


  72. Hello Julia.

    My novel, “The Secret in the Cliffs”, has recently been traditionally published by eLectio Publishing. It is an action/adventure novel (with a touch of humor) for late elementary aged children and up. I have also had several adults read the book who tell me that they greatly enjoyed it. I am a Christian parent myself and have had a passion for children to have reading material that is faith-based. This is what inspired me to write this book.

    I am in the process of trying to spread the word about my book. I was told by a team member of Renaissance (who I understand is the company that decides which books are included on school AR lists) that in order for my novel to be considered for school AR lists, I will need to have several organizations such as yours write reviews about my book so that it may gain popularity. I am hoping that you will allow me to send you a copy of my book. It is my sincerest hope that once you have read this story that you might write up a favorable review of it in your publication.

    My book is available for purchase on my website: kristintuckerbooks.com. It is also available on Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and the eLectio Publishing website.

    I am pursuing every possible avenue that I know of to promote my book. I would sincerely appreciate it if you would consider helping me in my endeavors. Thank you for your consideration.

  73. Hi Julia

    I was writing to see if you may be interested in reading my book entitled: Removing Your Shame Label: Learn to Break Free From Shame and Feel God’s Love. It is currently sitting around number 17 on Amazon in the Counseling/Recovery genre.

    I am making it available for free to individuals who will consider writing a review. And I am looking for honest feedback. You can get your free copy here: https://readingdeals.com/free-review-books/removing-your-shame-label-by-eddie-capparucci

    Thanks for considering and I hope you have a blessed weekend.

    • Thank you for the offer to read and review but I am afraid I have rather a large pile so must decline your generous offer. I wish you well with your sales. XX

  74. Hi Julia!
    I’ll soon be releasing my 2nd book in a contemporary Christian romance series called A Worthy Heart. I’d love to have you review it in advance, if you’re available to do so in July or August of 2019. If you’re interested in just checking out the 1st book, When Hearts Collide, is on Amazon. If you have any questions e-mail or contact me via my blog. http://www.authorswilliams.wordpress.com. If you’re interested, I can send you the blurb for the 2nd book, and a digital copy when it’s available. Thanks so much!

  75. Hello Julia!
    My name is Jae Blessing and I am a Christian fiction author. I have a website with ebooks and I was wondering if you would be interested in doing a book review? My website address is CastleguardChristianFiction.com and if you saw any books (or all of them) that you would like to read and review, I would be very pleased to send them to you.
    Thank you very much for your time! God bless you.
    Jae Blessing

  76. Dear Julia,
    I’m a Christian author with more than 25 published novels. I was originally with Barbour Publishing but have since gone independent. I have a new release coming out in July called She Walks in Love, and I’m looking for professional book reviews. You can find out more about me on my website. https://www.marylutyndall.com The book will be ready to read and review in May. If you’re interested, please send me an email and I can tell you more about the book. It’s a Medieval Romance. Thanks! God Bless!

  77. It seems you’re quite in demand! Let me add my name to the list of people seeking a review from you. The request is for my second book. (The first, “A Spoonful of Grace” received a Silver Medal in the 2018 Illumination Awards for exemplary Christian writing.)
    “Eternity in the Rearview Mirror: How Simple Faith Changes Everything—Seventeen Extraordinary Lives” is a collection of people who changed the world in some fashion. Written in first-person from a heavenly vantage point, these stories span the ages, from Galileo to Johnny Cash. It’s written in a lively, conversational manner, extensively researched for accuracy and reveals what was behind their success. (Hint: they all publicly acknowledge God for their accomplishments.) There is more information on my website, and I would, of course, send you a copy. Thanks for considering.

  78. Hi Julia. Do you ever do children’s books? I’ve written a children’s book and my daughter has illustrated it. However, we doing a Kickstarter to get it produced. You can check it out at http://bit.ly/wGsfm
    If not, no worries.
    I also have a cozy mystery series if you’re interested in that. It’s mass market as it doesn’t have a strong Christian message but each has an underlying theme–for instance forgiveness, etc. https://www.amazon.com/Chicken-Culprit-Backyard-Farming-Mystery-ebook/dp/B079SS1C4S/

  79. Hi Julia

    Thanks for offering your kind service–you must get a LOT of requests.

    We were wondering if you’d be interested in reviewing “The Lost Prophet”? It’s a mix of sci-fi, fantasy, and religious fiction genres, with the protagonist being a prophet inspired from Christian, Islamic, and Hindu traditions, facing an alien invasion.

    Would that be something that’d interest you (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07G6RCWPT/)? Totally understand if this isn’t up your alley.


  80. Hi Julia,

    I see you get requests like this all the time, but thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask!

    Would you be interested in doing a book review for me? I have written a non-fiction book delving into following God and what that takes (mental reasonings and emotional hurdles).

    This is what the back cover says,

    ““Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, saying, ‘This person began to build and wasn’t able to finish.’” Luke 14:28-30 (NIV)

    Many begin following Christ, but few finish. Plausible doubts flare up eroding simple faith. Loss and emotional upheaval storm through and the reality of God seems but a fanatical myth.

    Following Christ starts out easy, but somewhere along the way it becomes excruciating. I know this for I have lived it. Longevity is my story of finding and following God amidst doubts, hurts and failures. It might be too honest, but maybe that’s what you need. Maybe you need to see someone else flailing and meeting God in the mess.”

    I would love to get more reviews, etc. and would be absolutely delighted if you would be interested!

    Thanks so much for offering this sight – great resource!

    • Thank you so much for the offer but I have rather a lot of books to read at the moment. I wish you well with your sales. XX

  81. Hi Julia,

    I recently published my book, A Painful Kind of Holy. It is my story of miscarriage, the pain and grief that came with it, and how God’s presence sustained me during the difficult days. I hope that sharing my story can open an outlet for grief for others going through similar loss. I realize that you usually prefer to review fiction, but if you think you would be interested in reading and reviewing this book, it would be an honor to share it with you!

    You can find more information here:

    Thank you. God bless!

  82. Hi Julia,
    Thanks for your awesome blog! I just published an illustrated journal with prompts called ‘Where You Go: An Interactive Journal for your Adventures with God’. I would absolutely love if you would be willing to take a look and see if it’s the kind of thing you might review.
    Here it is on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Where-You-Go-Interactive-Adventures/dp/0578497239/ref=olp_product_details?_encoding=UTF8&me=&qid=1557618938&sr=8-1-fkmrnull
    Thanks so much,

  83. Hi Julia,

    I hope this message finds you well. I am assisting Jaculin Jones in gathering reviews for her first self-published memoir, “And It Is So; The Power of His Promise and we hope you’ll consider it for review. In 2014 during the prime of her life, what was initially diagnosed as indigestion, she suffered an aortic dissection. A year and a half after the aortic dissection, Jaculin was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Today, in her self-published memoir, “And It Is So: The Power of His Promise,” she recounts her experience through these events gives new meaning to endurance, faith, and hope.

    Here is an excerpt from her book:
    Though my back be bent so low with tragedy that by all accounts would break the ordinary soul, in the midst of the loud noise of disappointment, the loud voice telling me its hopeless, give in to it and carry this burden like it’s the promise, I yet hear a still small voice saying, “Peculiar woman, arise!”

    I will post her information below, and you may also contact me at avery@ablazeprllc.com

    I think you’d be interested in reviewing it. It’s an honor to share it with you and your readers. Here it is on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/So-Power-His-Promise-ebook/dp/B07RJF9XN7/ref=sr_1_1?crid=7HQJDSCYZ7LH&keywords=and+it+is+so+the+power+of+his+promise&qid=1558024693&s=gateway&sprefix=and+it+is+%2Caps%2C128&sr=8-1

    Thank you
    Avery Jones

  84. Dear Julia,

    I’m seeking a review for my latest novel. Sunflowers Under Fire is a family saga, in which love and loss are bound together by a country always at war. In 1915, Lukia Mazurets, a Ukrainian farmwife, delivers her eighth child while her husband is serving in the Tsar’s army. Soon after, she and her children are forced to flee the invading Germans. Over the next fourteen years, Lukia must rely on her wits and faith to survive life in a refugee camp, the ravages of a typhus epidemic, the Bolshevik revolution, unimaginable losses, and one daughter’s forbidden love.

    This historical fiction is based on my grandmother’s life. There is no way she could’ve survived without her faith, which was Ukrainian Greek Orthodox (similar to high Anglican).

    Sunflowers Under Fire is a heartbreakingly intimate novel that illuminates the strength of the human spirit.

    I’d be happy to send you a mobi or epub version to review. Thanks for your consideration.

  85. Hi Julia,

    I’m a Christian author from New Zealand, seeking reviews of my 2018 novel “Ya’acov’s Well”, published by Ark House Press. It is a work of Biblical fiction, based around John 4. I’d love to send you a copy if you might be interested to give it a read? I would be very happy to either post a physical copy or send you the .epub file.
    Kind regards and thank you for your wonderful blog!

  86. Hi Julia– Recently updated two of my Christian Conspiracy Thrillers, The Oldest Enemy and Infernal Gates in Kindle and now in Paperback. Wondering if you like Thrillers and would consider reviewing one or both. I’m trying to break into the UK market and looking for reviewers. I’m willing to have Amazon.uk send you copies either as Kindle or Paperback, your choice. BTW, working with Amazon.uk to update my reviews for their UK site. The full review list is available on Amazon.com for both books. Here’s the link to The Oldest Enemy https://amzn.to/2WUhdfS Infernal Gates https://amzn.to/2Zu9SoG and the link to my Amazon Author Page https://amzn.to/2Lc2VVq Blessings, Michael

  87. Hi from Australia

    I am a Christian author of 12 published books (ivanrudolph.com) and am hoping for some reviews for my 13th as yet pre-published book, but only my second prepared for the American market. Westbow Press are its pre-publishers. Please consider reviewing it now because, unlike in Australia, it has to gather some pre-published reviews in the USA.
    Thank you,
    Ivan (Rudolph)

    • I live in the UK so do not know if you want reviews of your book here. Please could you give me more info on it?
      Every blessing
      Julia. XX

  88. Hello Julia–

    I have written part 1 of a Christian novella based upon my discovery of a hidden Bible prophecy contained within Genesis 37:9-

    Then he dreamed still another dream
    and told it to his brothers, and said, “Look,
    I have dreamed another dream. And this
    time, the sun, the moon, and the eleven
    stars bowed down to me.

    It is titled Order of the Orbs, and addresses the astounding fact that after new classifications were instituted in 2006, the International Astronomical Union demoted planet Pluto down to a dwarf planet and elevated asteroid Ceres to a dwarf planet giving us 13 planets in our solar system for the first time in history. So the heliocentric order of the planets is now 4 classic planets, followed by 1 dwarf planet, followed by 4 classic planets, followed by 4 dwarf planets. 4144.

    This 4144 order of the planets exactly matches the 13 children of Jacob, the father of Joseph who was given his prophetic dream of the stars. Four legal sons, plus one legal daughter, plus four legal sons, plus four illegitimate sons by handmaids. 4144. Jacobs 13 children exactly match our 13 planets. Hence the title, Order of the Orbs.

    There is much more information revealed in this part 1 of the novella. It is only five chapters. Was wondering whether you might be so kind as to provide me your review.

    You will find the five chapters posted on my blog:


    Thank you in advance.


    • Thank you for the offer but I do not feel that I am the correct fit to read and review for you as my preferred time period is fiction set from 1800 onwards. I wish you well with your book sales. XX

  89. Greetings Julia,

    I recently published my first book, a christian fiction called The Caveman’s Book, which explores a lot of themes common to humanity. What is life? Why do we lose? What is our purpose? I would be honored if you would review it.
    For your consideration: https://www.amazon.com/Cavemans-Book-Kervus-H-Gaardson-ebook/dp/B07TJDX28J/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=kervus+gaardson&qid=1561758692&s=gateway&sr=8-1
    Thank you in advance.
    Best regards,
    Kervus H. Gaardson

    • Thank you so much for the offer but I have rather a large TBR pile so will have to refuse your kind offer. I wish you well with your book sales. Every blessing Julia. X

  90. Dear Julia,

    Would you consider featuring Stephen Manley’s novel, Obion Summer, on your website? We love your vibe of warmth and faith!

    Here’s an overview of Obion Summer: In a nutshell, it is a wholesome teen summer romance. Set in the early 1980s in a small Tennessee town, the narrative focuses on protagonist Pam Ackerman and her love interest, Tony Hill. Unlike many young relationships today, there are no games (and no distraction from social media), and Tony and Pam quickly fall for one another. They work together to overcome doubts and challenges to their relationship, all while making each other better people in the process.

    This quote from one reviewer sums it up: “Stephen Manley has crafted a love story of more than one kind–one to home, one to romance, and one to the charm and beauty of small-town northwest Tennessee. Obion Summer is both a heart-wrenching and a sweet novel for preteen and teen readers.”

    Let me know what you think, and I’ll send you a copy ASAP. Feel free to email me back privately.

    Here is the book website: https://obionsummer.com/

  91. Hey Julia,
    Couldn’t find your email so I hope this is okay. I released my first novel in June, it’s Called “Season On the Brink.” It is a coming of age, YA/Sports novel based on true events in my hometown. The whole backstory is at richmaclone.com
    As a Christian, I worked my beliefs and some of the Gospel into the book because I felt it needed to be in there. Anyway, I’m really proud of it, and it has been getting great reviews, but I’m looking to spread the word as wide as possible and hope that it may be interesting to you.
    I can reached at richardmaclone@gmail.com. I appreciate your consideration, and God bless!

  92. Julia please forgive an unsolicited approach but I need help! I am publishing a number of titles (principally autobiography, fiction, theology and poetry) which are by Christian writers and I need to get some reviews. Whilst I have been in the British book trade for about 45 years and am comfortable with editing and publishing I haven’t a clue where to start with getting promotions and am determined to avoid those sites which demand money for reviews. (Principally because neither I nor my authors have any!) If you can offer any advice I would be most grateful to receive it. I have happy connections with Worcestershire – my grandfather was a Kidderminster man and my brother lived in Worcester city and worshiped at the cathedral for many years.

    Thank you in anticipation.

    Every blessing


  93. Hi Julia, my name is Dennis Beesley and I recently self-published A 21st Century Christmas Carol on Amazon. It’s the story of my experience losing my late wife using the thematic elements of A Christmas Carol. One of my goals in writing the book is to promote the figure of Jesus Christ as central to the Dicken’s classic. In this way, my telling is slightly more religious and Christian-centric than the original work. I would love and welcome a review from you of my book. It is available on Amazon Kindle and in Paperback, though I would be happy to send you a pdf sample copy as well.
    Thank you for your consideration!

  94. Hello Julia,

    I self-published my book, under the penname Kenneth March, that addresses the question of just “Who is the angel of the Lord.” As a pastor, I have been asked this question many times and thought it deserved a considered response. I’d be very pleased to have you review it. Please let me know what you think and if I can gift you a kindle copy or send you a paperback.



    • Thank you for the kind offer Paul but I am snowed under with books at the moment. I wish you well with your sales. Every blessing Julia. XX

  95. Hi Julia,

    I self-published my debut novel after retiring from a career in advertising. The name of my Christian Women’s Fiction book is “The Essence of Shade.” Would you be interested in reviewing my book? It’s a story about a widow who uncovers secrets from her husband’s past that change the course of her life forever.

    Thanks for you consideration.

    Deborah Miller

  96. Good evening,

    I have recently published a new devotional, Dream Chasers – A Journey of Faith. I didn’t know if you would be interested in reviewing the book for your blog posts and website.

    The book is geared to encouraging everyone to chase the dream that God gave them, because I truly believe everyone has a purpose that God planned for them. Everyone has a dream – Everyone has a purpose. It’s time to use your dream to fulfill your purpose.

    I just want this book to inspire people to start dreaming if they never have before.

    I can send you a free copy if you are interested. The book is available on Amazon and anywhere books are sold.

    Thank you
    Eric Suddoth

    • Thank you for the kind offer but I am snowed under with books to read and review at the moment. I wish you well with your book sales. XX

  97. Dear Julia:

    I’m an author of seven Inspirational Women’s Fiction novels. My latest is titled Annie Walker.

    Life is good for young Charlie Walker, with a lot fewer worries since his daddy came home from the war in Korea. His biggest challenge now is to finish his chores so he can go to the creek to swim . . . or that used to be his biggest challenge. Now it’s to get used to his new baby sister, Annie. To his surprise, he and younger brother Johnny kind of like her.

    For Charlie’s best friend, Marvin Huckley, whose daddy didn’t come home from Korea, the age of innocence is slipping away. When Charlie is thrust into a situation where he must defend Marvin, he makes a choice that forever alters his world.

    Annie Walker is set in Strawberry Ridge, Arkansas, in the mid-1950s, when life was lived at a slower pace and family meant everything. It is a story of love, loss and the hard lesson of self-forgiveness.

    Would you consider reviewing Annie Walker? I could send you a print book, or a PDF if you prefer. And I would be more than happy to do a giveaway.

    Christianbookaholic is a great site!

    Sharon K. Souza

  98. Hi Julie,

    My name is Rebecca Lemke.

    I’ve recently released my second book and am looking for Christian websites to review it!

    Here is the synopsis: 

    Life is about sharing. Experiences. Emotions. Stories. Thoughts.

    Humans from every time, place, and culture have an innate drive to connect. In our time, the advent of the internet has created the opportunity for anyone to share whatever they choose with a worldwide audience.

    So, where to start?

    Award winning blogger, syndicated podcaster, and author Rebecca Lemke has those answers. In Content: How to Find Balance When the World is at Your Fingertips, Rebecca walks through the numerous choices of media available to you to share yourself online. Content provides advice on navigating various forms of content creation, including podcasting, blogging, video, and book writing. It’s not a how-to, but rather what the how-to books WON’T tell you. From insight on the professional landscape to advice on self-care as a content creator, Content has a little bit of everything. It can be read from front to back, or simply as a reference guide.

    In everything, Content encourages you to remain true to your message, and true to yourself.


    If this is something you’d be interested in reviewing, please let me know. My email is Rebecca@newcrunchymom.com

    Thank you for your consideration!

    Rebecca Lemke

  99. I have a book that has been published named “The Aspects of a Virtuous Woman”. It’s a very short read and I would love it if I could send to you and you could take a look giving your thoughts afterwards. It’s also located on Amazon.

  100. Dear Julia,

    From the bestselling author of Wisdom Hunter, Randall Arthur, comes one of the first contemporary novels portraying a female pastor in the Baptist community, highlighting the tension and controversy surrounding her leadership role. A Quiet Roar, Sometimes Disruption Is Overdue, takes place in the small Georgia towns of Lyons and Vidalia, with plenty of colorful characters and drama. It’s a riveting story that will challenge, entertain and inspire. It’s garnering 5 stars on Amazon and is destined to become a classic.

    Warning, though; there’s no fairytale Christianity here; only a true-to-life drama that will captivate your heart and mind. And resonate with your soul.

    Dr. Bill Rudd – Pastor and adjunct professor
    “A female pastor is imposed on a conservative Baptist church in rural Georgia and all hell breaks loose.”

    Southern Baptist Pastor Wade Burleson, Top-100 Christian blogger
    “Randall Arthur has hit a home run. Men, especially evangelical pastors, you ought to read this book. You won’t put it down.”

    Larry Griggers, City Councilman in Lyons
    “It is a compelling story, and I read it from cover to cover in one sitting (a first for me). I just couldn’t put it down. It will make you think, laugh, cry and all the things a good book should do, and it is thoroughly entertaining to boot.”

    Dr. Butch Entrekin, Community Bible Church
    “I have read few stories that have pulled me in like A Quiet Roar. It confronts the very cultural foundations of the North American church. This is a must read.”

    Anna Strawn, Junior, Auburn University
    “You had me on the tip of my toes from the start of the book till the end of the book. The book is bold, honest, educational, and inspiring.”

    Jimmy Cochran, columnist for the Henry Times
    “Praise for A Quiet Roar. Mr. Arthur has a gift of drawing you into his story from the first page. A Quiet Roar has made an impact on my life unlike any other book. It will continue in my heart and life for a long time.” – Jimmy Cochran, columnist for the Henry Times.

    Bill Grandi, Senior Pastor
    “Over the years I have read a ton-and I mean a ton of books. After all, my work as a pastor requires I read, read, and read some more. If you read no other novel this coming year, please please please read A Quiet Roar. I guarantee your life and faith will no longer be the same.”

    Christine Caine Ministries
    “At Christine Caine Ministries, we’re praying for your book to impact many, in Jesus name.”

    A Quiet Roar is available now on Amazon (both in paperback and e-book versions). Autographed copies are available at http://www.RandallArthur.com

  101. Dear Julia,

    I trust this email finds you well.

    I have come to love what you stand for.

    Please, what are the conditions to evaluate my YA Christian manuscript, “INEQUALITIES-The Utmost Phenomena,” about 40,500 words?

  102. Greetings from across the pond, Julia. When you get a bit of a breather, would you consider taking a walk with my boy Gallant? I’ve never been to England, but still I dared to place this young lad in historical medieval Bristol. He even takes a day trip to Thornbury Castle. (Hope I didn’t make pottage out of that scene!) The paperback is on Amazon (Raising Sir Gallant) but the Limited Edition leather-bound book and Sir Gallant Castle Kit can only be found at https://www.sirgallant.com/ Thanks for your work to sort out good reads! God bless you in this New Year.

    • Thank you for your kind offer Mary but I am snowed under with books at the moment… it’s a good problem to have. I wish you well with your sales. XX

  103. Dear Julia,

    This is so public! I looked for your contact info., but I don’t see it. I do see that you’re in England (Long Live The Great British Baking Show!) and you love cats. More power to you . . .

    As a writer of three previous works of fiction, I’ve decidedly written for a secular audience. Mostly because the books are better.

    My new memoir is coming out momentarily from Wipf & Stock–my first nonfiction and my first dip into explicitly Christian material (with my usual flair for controversy). This is the one-paragraph description . . .

    Cancer, I’ll Give You One Year: A Non-Informative Guide To Breast Cancer, A Writer’s Memoir In Almost Real Time is not about eating kale. The book is 100% narrative nonfiction and 0% self-help. It was actually written for the author’s children in case she died. This sounds morbid, but maybe “pointed” and “candid” are better words. Embracing candor as an aesthetic, this real-time story hits upon the sacred, the profane, a trip to Epcot, a colonoscopy, her kids’ responses to everything, and OJ Simpson’s parole hearing. Writing-centric, voice-driven, and conscious of a death sentence . . . no diets or exercises are offered, but the author may give horrible parenting advice. It’s undoubtedly funny, but also a meditation on meaning.

    Alas, I don’t have a hard copy, but I do have a PDF! Would you be interested in reviewing a PDF of my newbie–which is expected soon-ish?

    My requests! (Is this unorthodox?)

    1. May I provide particular links for the book later, like probably at the beginning of Feb? I have no pre-order link . . . .

    2. Is it okay to ask that reviews don’t reveal the end, which is–kinda–a “surprise end”?

    Thank you!

    Jennifer Spiegel

  104. Hi Julia!
    I’m an award-winning Indie author best known for my Christian thrillers on Islamic terrorism & peacemaking based on our 20+ years serving God in the Muslim world.
    However, I’m looking for potential reviewers for my newest novel, HOPE IS A DANGEROUS PLACE, a Christian mystery/suspense story with the theme of pursuing revival and societal transformation. Think Nancy Drew in a Frank Peretti-world.
    Please email me or check my website for more information about the book if you’re interested. Would love to read your review!
    All the best,

  105. Hi Julia! Not sure how you get through so many posts! Blessings on all that you do! I am a published author in the states, but wrote my debut while my family developed a ranch for kids in Mexico. I found the writer within me and the hope of redemption in the most unlikely places. Billy’s story is about living under the wrong father. And the freedom in finding the right one. It is a story of defeating shame, fighting for those we love, and coming home. I’d be honored if you decided to check it out.


  106. If you enjoy cozy murder mysteries with a spiritual point, you might enjoy reading and reviewing The Point by Aline Strong.
    Here is a quick look:
    Sarah, a pudgy bed and breakfast owner, and devoted dessert-eater, overhears a murder on her baby monitor, and recognizes the voice of one of the murderers. When a woman shows up threatening the lives of her children if she talks, the dessert eating rises to a whole new level. That is, until Sarah begs for help from a strange source, slims down, and links up with someone she’s wanted all along.

    • Your book sounds great and something I would love to read. I am afraid that I am snowed under with books to read and review , so not able to take on any more commitments at this time. I wish you well with your sales. XX

  107. Hi Julia, I hope you and yours are well as we shelter in through this virus.

    I was hoping you would consider looking at my book, A.I.M. for High Ground, which was independently published this past Fall. It is a compilation of ten short stories that read like fiction, but they’re true. You can see more about the book at http://www.aimforhighground.com.

    I hope this is not an imposition but would appreciate any comment.

    • Thank you for the kind offer but I am snowed under with books to read and review at the moment. I wish you well with your sales. XXX

  108. Hi Julia!
    I am a Christian author living in Australia and have written two books in the early teens/Christian fiction genre.

    “History Village: The Cross Over” and the sequel “History Village: Break It Up” follow the adventures of 3 siblings who travel back in time to first century Palestine, and then later to Ancient Jericho.

    It would be incredible if you would review my books as I would love for contemporary kids to learn more about God and get excited about the Bible!

    Warmest Regards,

    • Thank you for your kind offer but I have a lot of books to read and review at the moment. I wish you well with your sales. XX

    • Thank you so much for your kind offer but I have a huge pile of books to read at the moment. I wish you well with your sales. XXX

  109. Hi Julia,
    Well – I know you have a huge pile of books on the go, but just thought I’d float one more your way. This one is a 30-Day Devotional: Calling Out: Prayers for those in Isolation. My hope is that in the next few weeks (hopefully not months) many will find the book to be comforting and inspiring. I’d be honoured if you’d take a peek.

  110. Hi Julia,

    We would love it if you would review Two Teaspoons of Rice, a Christian memoir about a girl who encountered God in the killing fields of Cambodia.

    Orphaned at the age of twelve, Sida not only had to survive but protect and provide for her younger siblings. When the Vietnamese invaded and the communist regime came crashing down, she decided that it was time to escape. The journey was harrowing. They had to dodge the bullets of soldiers, avoid the landmines that littered the jungle, and survive a guerrilla attack. At every turn, Sida prayed to whoever would hear her for help. And every time, against all odds, help came. It was only when she met the missionaries at a refugee camp in Thailand that she learned the name of this God who had saved them.

    You can find Two Teaspoons of Rice at https://www.amazon.com/Two-Teaspoons-Rice-Memoir-Cambodian-ebook/dp/B08712383B/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2SWA9FYPOYMD3&dchild=1&keywords=two+teaspoons+of+rice&qid=1588729398&sprefix=two+teasp%2Caps%2C136&sr=8-1 We’d be happy to send you a free copy if you’re interested.

    Thank you for your time. We look forward to hearing from you.


    Monica Boothe and Sida Lei

  111. Hello, Julia,

    My debut novel, Passage of Promise, was published in paperback on May 1 and ebook May 4. It follows the life of Marina and her journey toward self-discovery and love. Greek Orthodox Christian traditions and practices are interwoven in this book, as I’m an Orthodox Christian. Do you review books that show the lives of people who follow an ancient Christian faith? Thank you in advance for your time and consideration!

    • Hi Joseph

      Thank you for the kind offer. I am afraid my TBR pile is huge so I am unable to commit to reading any more books at the moment. I wish you well with your sales.

      Every blessing

      Julia. XX

  112. Hi,
    I would like to email you about possibly reviewing some books by our Christian Writer’s group. We are located in the US, but our books are available in a the countries that Amazon serves. I would be deeply grateful if you could provide me with an email address to contact you. I would love to connect and get some basic info that I could present to the members at our July meeting.
    Warmest regards,

  113. Hi Julia! I enjoy you website and your insight on books. I see that you occasionally read non-fiction books. We have currently released our first book & study guide, No Half-Truths Allowed – Understanding the Complete Gospel Message. The book and study guide can stand alone, but they are designed to compliment each other. We would love to send you a copy of both if you would be willing to read and review them. The Amazon link to both are below. Thank you for your time and consideration! Have a blessed day!
    Co-founders of Proverbs 9:10 Ministries
    Co-hosts of the No Trash, Just Truth Podcast

    • Thank you so much for your kind offer. I am afraid I have a huge pile of books to read and review so am unable to commit to more at this time. I wish you well with your sales. XX

  114. Hello there!

    I’m excited to let you know that my new book When We Believe, is now available on Amazon. This story was composed to bring hope and awakening to all women who feel unworthy of love, who are clinging for assurance and significance through worldly means but God. I have not done any marketing yet, nor any of my family members (except my children) knows about this project. I am new to this whole Indie author’s journey and I am trying to convey my message to the intended audience (young females who lack self-respect and true identity in Christ). The Lord called me to tell my story on January 17, 2016, after been building a promissory business in the wellness field. I do not proclaim to have the best writing abilities, but I am honestly following the voice of God and been obedient to serve as the vehicle for his message.
    It’s been an amazing experience to get this book completed, and I’m excited to finally share it with the world. To reach those who need to hear how the hand of God transformed my life from a wretched, immoral, and sinful life, to a renewed and restored one, the message must be spread out. Your assistance will be immensely thanked and God for sure will reward your selfless aid.
    I would like to kindly ask you to read my story and if you enjoy the book and find some benefit in reading it, I’d like to hear from you and hope that you could take some time to post a review on Amazon. Your feedback and support will help this author greatly reach those who God intends to touch.

    If you are interested in assisting me through this journey, please send me an email and I will forward you a copy on PDF or MOBI format.

    Thanks so much for your support. I deeply appreciate it.
    Have a Blessed Day,
    Janelle Valle

    • Thank you so much for your kind offer to read and review. I am afraid I have a huge pile of books to read and am unable to commit to any more at this time. I wish you well with your sales. XX

  115. Julia, Drs. J.P. Moreland, Habermas, Percer, and Holland Davis endorsed my depbut sci-fi, apologetics fiction, PSYCHONIX: Mind Over Matter. It’s about the mind-body problem and I thought you would find it entertaining and educational. It was born out of serious mental health issues that my son has.

    It’s available at Amazon (Paperback/Kindle), Barnes & Noble (Nook), Apple, and many other fine outlets.


    Blessings In Christ!
    Mike Burnette

    • Thank you for the info. I am afraid I have a huge pile to read and cannot commit to any more at the moment.
      I wish you well with your sales.
      Every blessing
      Julia. X

  116. Hi Julia,

    My name is Oke and I am a new kindle authour. I was wondering if you would be interested in reviewing my book and writing a review and I am more than happy to lend a free copy for you. I am starting out so I would appreciate the exposure,

    All the best, Oke.

    • Thank you for your kind offer. I am afraid I am unable to commit to any more books at the moment as I have a huge TBR pile. I wish you well with your sales. XX

  117. Julia,

    What is the process for getting my book considered for review or discussion?

    It proves Intelligent Design, discusses physical, moral, and spiritual realities, presents support for the Bible from historical, scientific, and prophetic perspectives, and provides a variety of personal stories as proofs to support many of the topics.

    Free download at: http://www.seekingtruth.world/download

    I am a former US Olympic and professional athlete and technology entrepreneur, having started/sold two of my own efforts as well as working for several public companies.



    • Thank you for the kind offer but I am afraid I am unable to commit to any more books at the moment as I have a huge TBR. I wish you well with your sales. XX

  118. I am mother to a dozen children (10 adopted out of horrific situations) and appreciate how busy you are! If you eventually get time, I’d love for you to read my memoir. As a Christian author, I confront autism, human trafficking, capitalism, and traditional notions of doing good in this brutally honest adoption memoir. Thanks for all you do for others!

  119. Hi, my name is Pasquale Frega and i am a programmer. I contact you because i have developed the ebook of The King James Bible in ePub and mobi format for Amazon Kindle and other ebook readers; please visit my site below. I will be very happy if you share it in your web sites and blogs. Regards.

    Pasquale Frega

    • Thank you for the kind offer but I am afraid I am unable to commit to any more books at the moment as I have a huge TBR. I wish you well with your sales. XX

  120. Hello,
    Because the Kindle version of my novel “We Called Him Yeshua” is currently free on Amazon (now through Sunday, August 2), I’d like to ask that you consider getting the ebook and perhaps reviewing it at some point.
    “We Called Him Yeshua” is historical fiction with a bit of romance and suspense, told from the perspective of people whom Jesus healed. Once healed, they then followed Jesus on his final journey to Jerusalem, along the way telling you what they saw, heard, and felt. Through their eyes, the reader can see Jesus as they may never have seen Him before—not only as the divine Son of God, but also as the human son of man.
    Thank you for your consideration.
    CJ Penn

  121. Hello Julia,

    I am wondering if you will be interested in reviewing my book “We Are One?”

    It is a quick read, about my journey to finding self, which revealed to me a love story. Since ultimately God is best summed up through the words “love God and love your neighbour.” a realization became very clear to me.

    Learning love is learned from God, who is opposite for us to know; an image. The deeper message contained in this book is a message of peace, unity, and love based on the complement of the connection of two completely different identities.

    I complement some thought-provoking ideas with poetry.

    Please let me know if you are interested in review it. I would be happy to provide more information for you.

    Best regards,

    • Thank you for the kind offer but I am afraid I am unable to commit to any more books at the moment as I have a huge TBR. I wish you well with your sales. XX

      • Julia, I understand you are snowed with books to review, but at some time you will be through them and will be looking at others. When that time comes please consider Somebody Someday by Joye Holmes. Maybe when you are sitting at the airport go to Amazon and take a peek. A compelling true story about a 25 year friendship with a homeless man. You don’t need to reply and you can even erase this post. If perhaps you do later have an interest, I can send a free book. Thanks. I wish you well.

  122. Hi Julia,
    I recently published an unique breakthrough book on deep forgiveness that many are finding life-changing. It’s an important book that needs to be known. The title is the Language of Deep Forgiveness: Break Free from Struggling to Accept the Unacceptable. It is on sale for only 99 cents now through Friday. You can check it out here:
    It is a concise fast read, and I would love for you to review it! If you have an interest in the topic, I think you’ll love it.
    Thanks for your consideration, and blessings to you!
    Dr. Allen

  123. Dear Julia,

    I pray that God is blessing you in this unusual season. I can see from previous posts that you are snowed under with many requests for reviews

    We are Christian authors from the UK and wondered when things calm down a little whether you would consider reviewing some of our books. We are happy to send them to you. We are authors on children, youth and parenting discipleship topics and have a tV programme on TBNUK called ‘At Home with God’

    Below is a link to most of the books that we have authored.



    Again we understand that this may not be possible but we thought we would ask anyway.

    God Bless you

    Helen Goldenberg

  124. Thank you for your blog! There are so many interesting books to add to my list. 🙂 I saw your latest review for Deborah Raney–she is such an inspiring author. Did you read her book, Beneath a Southern Sky? My husband and I were on the mission field when we read that . . .wow. That one stayed with me for a long time!

    My husband and I published a book recently as well, about God’s faithfulness to our family while serving in South America. If you have time for another read, I would love to send you a copy and hear your thoughts. Here is a link for it if you want to look it over. https://www.amazon.com/Stacking-Stones-Stories-Faithfulness-Far-Off-ebook/dp/B01KFE5EEC

    Peace and blessings to you!

    • Thank you for the kind offer to read your book but I am afraid I have a huge pile of books to read and review so am unable to commit to more at this time. I wish you well with your sales.
      No I have not read Beneath A Southern Sky.
      Stay safe. XX

  125. Hello, Julia – I’m pleased that you are also fond of inspirational poetry, based on your reviews of books including “My Colorful Life” and “Poetry & Ponderings.”

    I would love to introduce you to my collection, “LYING IN THE ARMS OF GOD: POEMS OF A SACRED ROMANCE,” the basic feeling of which may be summed up this way: — The most intimate relationships we enwrap our lives within reveal the truest aspects of who we most truly believe we are in that moment. Its ambiance is reflected in the glimmering light of our grandest expectations for it…Imagine a woman who flees for multiple centuries from that for which she most urgently yearns…”

    I hope you will read this collection and possibly post a review, though a review is not necessary. This book is available on amazon with Kindle Unlimited. As I am located in the U.S., this seems the easiest method of access.
    Thank you for your appreciation of word imagery and sharing books with others.

  126. Hi Julia
    I was wondering what book tours you do.
    I have a little novel that is on pre order right now (wide…not yet on Amazon) that I would love some reviews for. It’s a novella, only 84 pages and Christmas themed. The Far Side of Heaven. If you’d like to take a look I can send you an arc. Also, again I’d love to know the tours you work with.

    • Thank you for the kind offer, Ben. I am afraid we have family illness at the moment so I am unable to commit to more books at this time. I wish you well with your sales. XX

  127. Hi Julia,

    Would you like to review the new book Prepare A Room by Michelle Shelfer? It’s a path to healing for those hurt by abortion.

    Would you like a hard copy mailed to you or PDF? Please let me know.

    Nordskog Publishing

    • Thank you for the kind offer but I have a huge TBR pile and am unable to commit to more at this time. I wish you well with your sales. XX

  128. Hi, Julia! I’m a Christian fiction author published by Loyola Press interested in having you review my book, “Shadow in the Dark,” which is a middle-school novel that won a young adult 2020 Moonbeam Children’s Book Award gold medal. The book is part of a series (“The Harwood Mysteries”) and has been well-received by reviewers, including the School Library Journal, which called it an “engaging medieval adventure with appeal that transcends its denominational press.” It is suitable for both middle-school and high-school readers. Tony Kolenc

  129. Hello Julia,
    I also found your site seeking a review and see you have too much to read.
    Also, maybe some of your friends going to church would ask the congregation if they care to review Christian books.
    God bless,

  130. Hello,

    My name is Jessica Purgett, a freelance marketer/publicist. I am reaching out to see if you might be interested in reviewing a book entitled “Viridian Dreams” by Liz Henderson. The book centers around the struggles one might have with religion (namely, believing in God when there are unbelievable injustices taking place in our world every day). I was hoping you might be interested in reviewing the book or interviewing Liz about it. This could lead to some great discussion about how we can find our way back to God after falling away from Him. Here’s a little more about the book:

    Viridian Dreams by Liz Henderson will be released November 1, 2020. The young adult fantasy novel follows Ezra, who is eagerly waiting to find out if he’s been accepted into university. But when the letters arrive, they’re all rejections. Devastated by the turn of events, he goes for a walk to clear his mind, accidentally stumbling through a Gateway to the planet Chromvah. There, he learns that God is real and the guardian angels living on Chromvah need his help to continue their work on Earth.

    When the guardian angels reveal that the gateways between Chromvah and Earth have all disappeared, Ezra realizes he is trapped. While Ezra is stuck on the strange planet, he dreams about a girl named Petra, who he discovers is in fact real and living on Earth. She, along with Ezra’s newfound faith in God, will be the only hope he has of returning to Earth.

    This book is perfect for teens who might be questioning their relationship with God, or who just want to lose themselves in an engrossing story of good versus evil.

    Please let me know if you would be interested in reviewing the book or interviewing Liz. I can send you a free ARC if you’d like! Thank you,


    • Thank you for the kind offer but I am not the right person to read for you as I do not have experience of fantasy fiction. I wish you well with your sales. XX

  131. Hello, Julia.

    “Invited: A Simple Guide for Connecting with God” by Matt Berry releases next month and it would be our honor if you would consider reading and sharing an honest book review on or after it’s release on December 1, 2020.

    Acting as Matt’s publicist, I found your book review site to be a strong fit as a place for people to turn to for honest feedback – and I believe “Invited” is a book both yourself and your audience would enjoy.

    “Invited” was written for people who want to connect with God, but don’t know how. Matt wrote the book for ordinary people who need a doable faith that works. Not complicated. Just simple.

    The full-length description can be found on Amazon if you are interested in learning more: https://www.amazon.com/Invited-Simple-Guide-Connecting-God-ebook/dp/B08KGQR9DR/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1H5FRMMSUELT0&dchild=1&keywords=invited+matt+berry&qid=1605113283&sprefix=invited%2Caps%2C161&sr=8-1

    If you are interested, we’d be happy to share a copy with you!


    • Thank you for the kind offer but I am afraid I have a huge pile of books to read and review so am unable to commit to any more at this time. I wish you well with your sales. XX

  132. Hello Julia,

    I am trying to find more traction for my book “The Hero Seekers”. It is Christian fantasy fiction and so far has done well with my small readership (I am so thankful that there are reviews from people I don’t know on the amazon page!). I try to weave an adventure that is intense enough to be enjoyed by an adult while saving my 5th grader any nightmares and the feedback has confirmed success on that count. Anyway, if it is something that interests you I would love for you to pick it up. I could also provide a promo code for a free audiobook download. I am sure you have a large stack of books ahead of you, but if this ends up being one that strikes your curiosity, I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for what you do, and best of luck! Merry Christmas!

    • Thank you for the kind offer. Fantasy fiction is not a genre I am familiar with as I tend to like fiction set from 1850 to present day. I wish you well with your sales. XX

  133. Website: authorcarlroberts.com

    The Trial of Connor Padget by Carl Roberts is a Christian based book but not specifically Christian. It is a family story of difficulties we encounter and especially the lawyer in this case who sacrifices his own interests in order to defend his friend, Connor. Please go to the website for more understanding as to whether or not you would like to help it become discovered. It has won five national awards and readers like it! I am not financially able to help it be discovered with a marketing plan to let people know it’s out there.

    It is perfect for a family novel and readers who need moral entertainment in these lockdown times. I can send a gift copy by Kindle or send you a print book — either is fine with me
    Thank you for your blog and a way to help us Christians find the fun distraction of a good novel in these times.
    Carl Roberts

    • Thank you for the kind offer. I am afraid that I am unable to commit to more books at this time as I have a large pile to read and review. I wish you well with your sales. Every blessing Julia. X

  134. Please check out my website to see if you are willing to review my book — it is written as a Christian based legal drama and is good reading for those who are looking for “good” books to read –is a To Kill a Mockingbird type contemporary legal mystery. Has won five national awards.

  135. Good afternoon:

    I would be grateful if you would consider reviewing my book, HOPE IN A BOTTLE. At novella length, this book revolves around a newly ordained priest who becomes marooned on a deserted island. Stranded, and after befriending an ornery seagull and a curious rabbit, Father William finds a way to reach those most in need by casting messages of hope into the sea.

    I dedicated the book in part to the parishioners of the church I attended at the time (and had attended since childhood) which closed due to financial struggles of the regional Diocese. The story itself is a reminder that no matter how isolated we become, God is still with us and we can still reach out and help others, no matter how many miles separate us from those most in need. My hope is that the book helps Christians world-wide in enduring the isolation we felt when our church closed or we lost a family member. With the virus further isolating us, I felt this book was especially poignant for those of us struggling to connect.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.


    • Thank you for the kind offer Neil. I am afraid I have a huge pile of books to read and review at this time so am unable to commit to more.
      I wish you well with your sales. XX

  136. Dear Julia,
    Recognising that you have a ton of books to read, I wonder if you might nevertheless consider reviewing ‘Gain Save Give: Doing the right thing with money’. I’m a Gloucestershire author, and in Gain Save Give I bring John Wesley’s advice on personal finance to life for 21st-century readers, providing a practical guide to dealing with money and other resources. I’m not sure if you’ve heard of the ’40 Acts’ initiative, which encourages generosity in Lent (but has sadly been ‘Covidded’ this year), but in the 40Acts spirit the ebook version will be 99p/99c worldwide 17-21 Feb; this is the universal link: https://books2read.com/GainSaveGive, but I will be happy to send you a PDF review copy if you think you have time. It’s a short book!
    Thanks for your consideration.
    Peter Dixon

  137. Hello!

    I am inquiring to see if you would be willing to take a look at my book, The Beautiful Bride. It is a raw, honest non-fiction account of what the Christian walk is like, as well as how we can all find inner healing through the power of Christ. I would love it if you were willing to read it and leave a review. I would be more than willing to send you a free copy for your troubles! Here is a link to the book if you would like to take a look: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1694861759/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_999ANKQF0KC870ZBKC1Q

    I am also about to publish my second book, A Simple Man, which is written to inspire even the simplest of us to see, know and walk in the power of Christ in our daily lives.

    • Thank you for you kind offer Trav 🙂 I am afraid I have a huge pile of books to read and review at the moment so am unable to commit to more. I wish you well with your sales. Every blessing Julia.

  138. Hello Julia,
    My name is Emily and I represent author Dot JB Powell. If at all possible, would you be open to reviewing her newest book, The Sunday Van Club – Where a Faith Journey Leads? The book is about mentorship, told through the life stories of nine daughters of Vietnam War refugees and their longtime mentor, Dot. Each girl tells her own story, shedding light on the real experiences of a first generation American and coming to understand Christian faith in comparison to their long held Shamanistic belief system while Dot shares practical advice for people who want to learn to mentor children in their communities.
    Thank you so much for your consideration.
    Happy Reading!

  139. Hi Julia,

    Midwest Book Review calls the award-winning Rough Way to the High Way “An Extraordinary Novel.” It is Christian fiction told with mystery, suspense, adventure, humor, and a touch of romance. Mack, the trucker turned pastor turned trucker protagonist hits the road again after his wife’s murder.
    Here’s the link if you would like to give it a look. Thank you.

  140. Hi, Julia! I’m just following up about my YA Christian series, “The Harwood Mysteries.” The series has won gold medals in the 2021 Illumination Book Awards and 2020 Moonbeam Children Book Awards. It is published by Loyola Press in Chicago. Book 1 (Shadow in the Dark) was released in July 2020, and Book 2 (The Haunted Cathedral) was released in February 2021. Book 3 (The Fire of Eden) is releasing in July 2021. The series takes place in twelfth century England and involves a boy who is orphaned and comes to live at a Benedictine abbey, where he solves spooky mysteries and has various adventures with his best friend, Lucy.

    Would you review Book I or II (or both)? I can have Loyola send you hardcopies of the books… Thanks for considering!

    • Thank you for your kind offer Antony. I am afraid I have a full schedule at the moment so am unable to commit to more. I wish you well with your sales. Every blessing.

  141. Julia–Your site was referred as one of the top 100 Christian book review sites. I’d like to introduce my forthcoming novel, The Prize-Winning Story, scheduled to publish by Root Source Press (root-source.com) on 9/1/21.

    The Prize-Winning Story is a fiction travelogue–a group of American tourists arrive in the Holy Land on U.S. Presidential Election Day, 2016, and as they tour for twelve days, they compete with each other to win the big prize offered by the tour host, Pastor Vladdy, producer of the weekly radio show, For Zion’s Sake. The challenge–tell the best story and get your trip paid for!

    This novel is already generating strong interest in the U.S. Publisher’s Weekly, the flagship magazine for the publishing industry, recently reviewed The Prize-Winning Story and made it a BookLife Editor’s Pick, which it will publish on May 17, 2021. The PW review states: ‘ Inspired by the Canterbury Tales, this satire finds American Christians facing the reality of the Holy Land.’.
    I hope to hear from you! Ken

    • Thank you for the offer and kind words. I am afraid I have a full schedule and unable to commit to any more books at this time. I wish you well with your sales. X

  142. Julia,

    You have such an impressive site and I see all the posts of people reaching out to you requesting for you to read and review their books.

    When your schedule lightens up I would be blessed if you would consider my new published book “My God, in Whom I Trust: A Study of Psalm 91.” It is a short read of 130 pages.

    Here is the link on Amazon to see the book, but I am willing to send you a complimentary copy.

    Thank you for your consideration.

    T. S. Thompson

  143. Hi Julia,
    Thank you for all you do to support authors by reviewing our books!

    I’m releasing Alive Again: Find Healing in Forgiveness, a biblical guide to forgiveness, healing and reconciliation next month. If you would be interested in reviewing or adding it to your TBR pile, I’d be delighted. Please just drop me a line.


    • Thank you for your kind offer. I am afraid I am unable to commit to any more books at this time. I wish you well with your sales. X

  144. Hi Julie,
    Sorry to comment like this but I couldn’t see how to get in touch with you. I’m the author of A Soul as Cold as Frost, which is a Christian Christmas-themed fantasy for teens, similar to The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis, and the story of the Nutcracker.

    I’m hoping to plan and run a blog tour for my book at the end of July where I can send my Christian readers to a different book blog each day and I’d love to have you involved if you’d be up for it? Let me know how I can get in touch. Thank you!


    • Thank you for the kind offer Jen. I am afraid I am unable to commit to any more books at this time. I wish you well with your sales. Every blessing Julia X

  145. I have written a book ‘The 12th Imam: Rise of the Antichrist’ and was wondering if you would be willing to review it for me?
    It has been described as ‘Left Behind’ meets the 12th Imam

    • Thank you for the kind offer but I am unable to commit to any more books at this time. I wish you well with your sales. XX

  146. Hey Julia! It looks like you’re pretty backlogged based on the comments above. But I thought I’d reach out just in case. I just published my first novel, Clawing Free, and would love to hear your thoughts on it!

    • Thank you for recommending your book 🙂 I am unable to commit to more books at this stage. I wish you well with your sales. Every blessing.

  147. Hello Julia! First off much respect for your zeal for literature and taking time to review books for aspiring writers. This may or may not be of interest of you but I’ve been writing a very bold, interesting book of theology. It’s called ‘At the Heart of Hamlet’ and it seeks to solve Hamlets melancholia through a spiritual if not biblical lens. Obviously, especially you being English 😉 there is the ongoing debate about what Shakespeare was really trying to convey though this work and if you ask any two people about the ideology being represented in Hamlet your liable to get two different answers. That being said it’s set to be published though B&N and I’d be soooo appreciated if I could get a delicate reader to review it. It’s by no means lengthy, and quite entertaining in it’s straitforwd approach. Either way many blessings….To read or not to read! 😉

    • Thank you Nathan for the information on your book. I am afraid I am unable to commit to more books at this time. I wish you well with your sales. X

  148. Dear Julia:

    I hope your calendar has opened up since July. My book, “The Potentials” is now live on Amazon. It’s about a young woman, who finds herself in physical distress and suffering from partial amnesia. A teenager comes along and helps her discover who she is and what has happened to her. Set in the mid to late twentieth century, The Potentials is a tale of love and forgiveness. It is filled with mostly kindhearted but flawed characters, who struggle to cope with their own shortcomings and consequences of past mistakes. Sunbeam deeply loves them. Yet, it’s in her forgiving, that the reader discovers how beautifully the heroine of this story shines.

    To date, no reader has guessed correctly the personal mystery she’s trying to solve.

    If you do have time, below is the web address. Thank you for your consideration, I am


  149. Hello Julia.

    I love your website. I’ve recently published a Contemporary Christian Fiction novel called “Into the Room.” “Into the Room” tells the story of Ben Cahill, an alcoholic searching for redemption on a trip to Israel. I’m inquiring about whether or not you’d like to review the book. Could you tell me the process to be considered?

    Thanks and Blessings,

    Steven Rogers

  150. I’ve just recently published my first book, “Seventy Times Seven” by Doralyn Moore, a contemporary Christian romance released by Friesen Press in March, 2021. The reviews I’ve received so far are good but I need more of them. I would be very interested in what someone with your experience would say about my book.
    You can find out more about the book on my website.
    I look forward to hearing back from you.

    • Thank you so much for thinking of me. I am afraid I am unable to commit to more books at this time. I wish you well with your sales. X

  151. Hi Julia-

    First of all, I love your blog! I believe you would be an ideal partner to help us get the word out about the upcoming film, Redeeming Love.
    If you’d be interested, please let us know. For further information on the film, please see additional information on film below. We’d be honored to partner with you!

    All Things Redeeming Love:

    Synopsis: Based on the bestselling novel by Francine Rivers, REDEEMING LOVE is a powerful story of relentless love and perseverance as a young couple’s relationship clashes with the harsh realities of the California Gold Rush of 1850. It is a life- changing story of the power of unconditional and all-consuming love. Coming to theaters January 21, 2022, REDEEMING LOVE shows there is no brokenness that love can’t heal.

  152. Hi Julia,

    I am a new indie (and reluctant) author thinking you might enjoy his book

    I have a self-published non-fiction book coming out in the next few months. It will be hardcover, softcover and ebook.
    The title is Salt & Light; The Complete Jesus, a more scholarly work versus a spiritual/apologetic work. Here is my back cover blurb:

    Salt & Light is the definitive statement concerning Jesus of Nazareth, history’s most compelling figure.

    Jesus was a poor man who taught for a few years in a backwater of the Roman Empire and then was killed for sedition 2,000 years ago. However, Jesus started the world’s largest movement, and to billions of people now and in the past, somehow, he has served in some form or other as a model for our humanity.

    For the first time, after years of research using the complete body of early Christian literature and recent modern scholarship, including new and exciting discoveries in many areas such as early manuscripts, science, New Testament studies, archaeology, and history, the real Jesus emerges. Dean offers an eminently readable yet powerful description of the authentic Jesus full of fascinating facts for both believers and sceptics alike.

    Today, as people living in a traditionally Christian culture, we face a collective problem regarding Christianity and its primary representative, the figure of Jesus. There are indeed far too many interpretations and general confusion surrounding him:
    Was/Is Jesus God?
    Did Jesus even exist?
    Is there evidence for Jesus outside the Bible?
    Did he rise from the dead?
    Is he Peter’s Jesus or Paul’s Christ? Or both?
    What are we to make of the miracles?
    What does ALL the evidence point to — and what does it mean for us today?
    Should we still believe? If so, believe what?

    Salt & Light doesn’t shy away from addressing these and other tough questions.

    So come along for a fascinating journey and meet the historical Jesus, learn about his mission, and discover his teaching!

    Compelling • Authentic • Complete


    • Thank you David for the kind offer. I have a full schedule at the moment so I am unable to commit to any more books. I wish you well with your sales 🙂 Every blessing.

  153. Hi Julia:

    I would love to offer you an advanced review copy of “Even the Monsters” if you are interested. This book is part memoir and part exploration of the Book of Job that was originally self-published in 2015 but has since been picked up by Paper Stone Press for re-release (print, eBook, and Audiobook) on April 29th, 2022.

    • Thank you Daryl for the kind offer. I am afraid I have a full schedule at the moment. I wish you well with your sales. Thank you for thinking of me 🙂 Every blessing.

  154. Wow, what a great job/hobby/mission! I love reading Christian books also and never considered blogging about it. I prefer Bible studies though and collect and read many of those. I recently self-published my first Bible study and was going to ask you to read and review it but I can see how busy and inundated you are! So instead I just wish you blessings and best wishes.

  155. Hi, my name is Jonathan and I am a Christian counselor (LPC-C) in Oklahoma City.

    I recently wrote a Children’s book for my daughter to teach her the gospel and naturally lead her to pray the “princess prayer” (giving her life to Jesus and becoming a princess, i.e., child of the King and bride of the King’s Son). It is so difficult to know when and how to actually leading your own children to accept Jesus into their hearts, especially to do so in a way they can really understand.

    Unlike most princess fairy tales, this story is real, and the reader is actually the princess! It is a Cinderella-like allegory for Jesus’s pursuit of us and it seems to really be resonating strongly with a lot of women (of all ages)!

    My hope is that the book will be used as a tool for parents everywhere to teach their daughters about Christ and make leading them to accept him into their hearts much easier! It is also a powerful tool for women of any age who are “broken”, particularly those with low self-esteem, who cut (self-injury), who deal with shame, have worked in the sex industry, are/were incarcerated, have been abused or controlled in the past, or are/were in the foster system.

    I would love it if you could take a look at it and possibly do a review! My goal is for God to use it in any way he wants – and hopefully reach as many people as possible.

    You can read it at http://Emberlybook.com or I can mail you a print copy if you prefer.

    Thank you so much!

    Jonathan Grant, LPC-C

  156. I have a new work of fiction entitled “The Black Jaguar”. It is approximately 97K words or 371 pages. How much do you charge to do a review? Thanks Todd Fries

  157. Hi Julia,

    I am a Family Counsellor (and “pastor’s kid”) and just discovered your website, which is incredible! I can see that you are inundated with book review recommendations. In case you’re looking for a pre-teen fantasy fiction for your family or friends, I would love to introduce you to my first novel, The Wicket of Silvus. It is available on Amazon, but I would also be happy to send you a copy if you were interested. However, I know you are very busy as well and there is absolutely no pressure. I remember back to the books of my childhood by John White and Steven Lawhead and I just felt we were missing more simplicity in our world. I hope you have an opportunity to read it one day. Take care!

    • Thank you for telling me about your book Lisa 🙂 I am afraid I am unable to commit to any more books at this time. I wish you well with your sales. Thank you for your kind words 🙂 Every blessing. X

  158. Hi Julia,

    My name is Christopher Grant, and I am a Canadian writer and producer. I would like to submit my novel, ‘The Father, the Son & the Slave’, as a candidate for review. 

    You know the Passion narrative. This is the story behind it.

    Metlip, Nubian slave of master carpenter Josef of Nazareth, is roused in the night by the carpenter’s estranged son, Iesu, defying exile to learn the truth of his paternity. No longer the angry rebel who was banished from his home, Iesu intends to remake the world Josef depends on to shield a life-long secret that could mean his death.

    Absent for the last three years, Iesu seeks answers for two questions. One inspires a family journey to Jerusalem. The other reaches into the past, rekindling old conflicts with fresh tensions that force the three men to question their beliefs, their fears and their relationships with one another. From Nazareth south through the Jordan Valley and up the western escarpment to Jerusalem, the present is layered with details from the past, blending history and scripture into a compelling tale that will stay with the reader long after the story’s climax.

    • Thank you for the kind offer Christopher. I am afraid I am unable to commit to reading and reviewing any more books at this time. I wish you well with your sales. Every blessing. X

  159. I have a series of four adventure novels for middle grade children entitled The Noland Kids Adventure Series. Each is in a different step for self-publication. The first is entitled The Key House. It is “ready” to go and will be launched August 9th. It has been received well so far by my beta-readers and editors. I would love to have you review it! I am a pastor and the books are definitely from a Christian perspective.

    Below is the back copy of the book:

    After moving into a newly inherited house, the Noland kids discover clues to a supposed treasure hidden by their great-great-grandfather. But when town rumors and some spiteful neighbors suggest foul play was involved, Caleb and David set out on a quest to prove otherwise.
    With unexpected dangers looming large and threatening their mission, can the Noland kids discover the mysterious treasure, or whatever lies at the end of their treacherous venture, before time runs out and all is lost?

    At this time my website is being produced, so further information would need to be emailed. Thanks so much!

    • Thank you for the kind offer 🙂 I am afraid I am unable to commit to any more books at this time. I wish you well with your sales. Every blessing. X

  160. Hi Julia,
    I recently self-published my first Christian novel and am wondering if you would review it. It is “Tears in a Bottle: Hearts Crying Out for Hope .” It is on Amazon. If you want me to send a copy to you I will gladly do so.
    Looking forward to hearing from you.
    Please email me.
    Sweet Blessings,

    • Thank you for the kind offer Cheryl. I am afraid I am unable to commit to more books at this time. I wish you well with your sales. Every blessing. X

  161. Hi,
    I am interested in having you review my recently self-published Christian novel. It is titled, “Tears in a Bottle; Hearts Crying Out for Hope.” If you are interested, please let me know which format you prefer. I will look forward to hearing from you.

  162. Hi Julia,
    Do you have any medieval mysteries you’d recommend, or other good mystery series, that are clean? (Yes, I know of the Cadfael series. I do like some of Paul Doherty’s novels, but some are a bit too explicit for my liking.)
    Thank you!

  163. Hello Julia,

    Do you have capacity to take on anymore books? Mines is a Christian autobiography about the struggles I’ve overcome through God and how he has always been with me. Please advise, thank you.

  164. Hi Julia, my book ACE The Black Stallion is posted on Amazon. I would love you to read it for me if you have time. I haven’t had a fresh review in a while and I’m sure it would help with sales if you would do this for me?

    Thanks, and I hope you consider my book for a review. (PS the sequel will be out sometime next week) 🙂

  165. Hello Ann.
    I am writing to you from Onwards and Upwards Publishers. We are a member of the Evangelical Alliance and have been publishing Christian books, mainly distributed through Christian bookshops, for almost 15 years. This autumn we have launched a new imprint – WORDJOY – with books written by Christians but aimed at the secular market. Would you be interested to review the first novel in this imprint – “A Question of Loyalty”? We will be happy to send you either a physical or digital copy, and if we feel the review will help our sales, we will also share the review page across our social media. Information about the book, as well as an introductory video from the author, can be found here: https://www.onwardsandupwards.org/a-question-of-loyalty
    God bless!

    Luke Jeffery
    Onwards and Upwards Publishers

  166. Hello Julia,
    I am a Christian author who has just begun publishing my works this year. I am looking for reviewers for my third offering Peter and the Serpent, a screenplay (in book form 192 pages, with the front and back material). I am particularly keen to find readers in the UK – for my work’s setting is in the London of the 1740s. (More about my works can be found on my website).
    Please advise me if this sounds like something that would interest you.
    Thanks, Ralph Osgood

  167. Hey Julia,

    I have written a book about my 2019 Appalachian Trail Thru-Hike and search for the Forrest Fenn treasure. It is titled “Diary of a Dumb Mud Turkey: A.T. Thru-Hiker & Treasure Hunter”. I emphasize the importance of being prepared for eternity, as my father, a Southern Baptist minister, passed away suddenly the year after the hike. This may be different from books you normally review; but if you want to add it to your list, I can provide a promo code for a free download from Apple Books.

    Have a Merry Christmas!

    Charles “Mud Turkey” Tirey

  168. Dear Julia,

    I just read your review of my book, Daddy’s Girl on Goodreads. You are so kind in your comments and sharing your perspective. I hope my daughter’s story boosts my readers love, faith, and hope.

    Again, thank you, and enjoy your family. Grandchildren are the best!

    Michael Schnabel

    • Thank you for the kind offer David, but I am afraid I have a full schedule at the moment.
      I wish you well with your sales. Every blessing X

  169. Hi Julia,

    My co-author and I have just published our first Christian non-fiction book titled: Why Do You Call Me Good? Understanding Goodness that Leads Eternal Life. The book is both fiction and nonfiction since it contains an allegorical story and an expository discussion on what kind of goodness leads to eternal life.

    We hope to interest you to read and write a review of our book. It is available on Amazon. Check this out!

    We can email you a digital copy should you oblige to our request.

    Gratefully yours,
    Dory B. Alonzo
    Stella S. Tumanguil

  170. Hello! I know your schedule is most likely full but I would love to offer a free copy of my debut novel, No Matter What, in exchange for an honest review at your convenience.
    Published in October 2022, the book is a Christian Romance Suspense.
    It would be an honor to have you read it and provide feedback.

    If you would like the link to the free book, please respond and I’ll send it ASAP! In the meantime, here is a link to the first two chapters (no opt-in required):

    Thank you!
    Jennifer Carr

  171. Dear Julia,

    Always nice to meet another namesake!

    I would love to send you an advance copy of D.J. Williams’ HUNT FOR EDEN’S STAR, the first book in the Beacon Hill young adult trilogy (Tyndale House Publishers/April 4, 2023) for review consideration.

    HUNT FOR EDEN’S STAR is destined to be a runaway hit with fans of J.K. Rowling, J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis.

    A modern day Indiana Jones, Williams was born in Hong Kong and at an early age ventured into the jungles of the Amazon, the bush of Africa, and the ancient cities of the Far East. He was raised in the church, so faith has always been part of his DNA. Williams wrote the trilogy to be a world for young adults to explore questions of faith without the stigma that often comes with religion or religious messages in entertainment.

    HUNT FOR EDEN’S STAR follows Jack, a coming-of-age teen, thrown into a world of ancient secrets when he discovers a supernatural artifact that protects a weapon of mass destruction. With the help of a diverse group of friends, he embarks on a global adventure, seeking the truth about his sister’s death, and uncovers two clandestine societies waging an epic war that threatens the future of civilization.

    For more info on the trilogy, the book trailer (which by now has 1 million views online) and the recently launched web series, titled “Chasing Lewis, Tolkien, & Rowling ” based on the book (over 360,000 views so far!), please visit thebeaconhillseries.com

    best wishes,
    Julia Drake

    • Thank you for the kind offer, I am afraid I have a full schedule at the moment. I wish you well with your sales. All the best. X

  172. Hi Julia,

    If your schedule eases up and you’re interested in a free copy of my Christian fiction romance novel Moonlight and Mystery, I’d love to have you review it. It will come out in late October, but a review at any time is welcome. The blurb is below.

    Beth Tarrington has it all: a gorgeous fiancé, a lucrative career, the latest model car, and a high-priced condo. On top of that, the Tarrington name opens every door in town. So why is she so discontent? When everything falls apart in Beth’s life, will she finally find the strength to stand on her own two feet? Is God really willing to stand by her side, even after ignoring Him for so long?

    When Jason Brooks meets Beth, his head tells him to run in the opposite direction. Beth is a high-society snob engaged to another man, and he’s not sure where she stands with God. So why does God keep bringing the two of them together? Can these two find love, in spite of everything that stands in their way?

  173. Hey Julia! My name is Ericka Clay, and I’m a former atheist turned believer. I’m also a former traditionally published author turned indie novelist. I write primarily about dysfunctional families that Jesus still loves and redeems.

    I’ve just written a new novel called A Bird Alone, and I was wondering if you’d be interested in reading and reviewing it. You can learn all about it here: https://erickaclay.com/a-bird-alone/

    I thank you for your time, Julia, and I hope to hear from you! 🙂

  174. Hello, Julia!

    My name is Tim Pietz, and I’m the publicity manager for Christian fiction publisher Mountain Brook Ink (learn more about us at mountainbrookink.com). We have a new Christian romance coming out this April, Emma’s Hero by Carrie Walker, and I’d love to offer you an e-ARC for review if you’re interested and your schedule allows. I’d be able to provide a back cover copy and more details over email. Feel free to email me with any questions you may have!

    Thank you for your time.



  175. Hi Julia,

    Hope you had a good New Years. If you like well written Bible study/devotionals I wonder if you would consider my new one for reading and review when you have time? It’s titled:
    Have You Heard from God Lately? 30 Messages from Heaven to You

    A retired pastor said it “is a wonderfully written devotional that is meant to lead people into a closer walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe this book is one of the best-written discussions on who God is and how we may approach Him.”

    You can learn more about it and preview a few chapters here:

    Thanks for your time and blessings for your 2024,

    PS I’m an indie author but the book has been professionally proofed.

  176. Hello, Julia–
    I am a Christian author of historical fiction, though my books are published by a secular publisher (Coffeetown Press). My first novel, The Songs We Hide, came in out in 2018 and is set in Stalinist Hungary. It’s about 2 young singers trying to do something good and creative in the midst of terrible hardship, and it received excellent reviews. My second novel, Fire Music, will be published in April of 2024. It deals with the siege of Budapest at the end of WWII, and then the eventual healing, 2 generations later, of the war’s emotional damage to a family. The book has a few somewhat “raw” scenes, but the overall message is very redemptive. Both of my books are written from a worldview of faith although they are not outwardly religious. Would like to review either of them? I hope so.

  177. Hi Julia!
    Loved learning a bit more about you and I am so sorry to hear of your sweet kitties’ passings 🙁

    I have a new Christian fiction cozy mystery out (which does include 2 cats 🙂 ). I have the epub or pdf I’m happy to pass on if you’d be interested in reading/reviewing — let me know. The Phantom of the Organ — https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CVDYQR9Q


  178. Hi Julia,
    I have a book you might be interested in. It’s called, Letters of Treasure, and I would love if you would review the book (I can send you a free copy), if you’re interested. If you could email me, I will give you more information.

    Thank you so much,


  179. Hi Julia!

    It’s good to meet you! I’m Bethany, and I write Christian historical fiction. Would you be interested in reviewing one or both of my books? Both are set in the wild west, and follow the story of an outlaw-turned-sheriff. You can find information to both of them on my website: bethanyklassenbooks.com

    Thank you!

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