Tag Archive | Old Friends Reunited

Old Friends Reunited by Maddie Please

Grab Life With Both Hands

 Old Friends Reunited by Maddie Please is a delightful contemporary novel that will put a smile on your face.

The leading characters are three sixty year old women who have been friends since school. It is lovely to get glimpses of the girls they once were as they reminisce. It is refreshing to have leading characters who are not in the first flush of youth. They were very easy for me to relate to.

We see that life is for living. While we are still breathing, we can still grab life with both hands. We may retire from our jobs but we do not need to retire from life.

A jaded life is given a new lease, fresh inspiration and the opportunity to try new things. Life opens up after accepting an invitation to travel from Britain to reunite with school friends in France. Life in Britain seems grey in contrast to the vibrancy of France.

As the novel progresses it is a joy to see a life blossom.

Our children always need us no matter how old they are. Too often they see us as their mum and not a person in our own right with a life to live that is ours alone.

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