Knowing God

Meet The Misfits by Melody Carlson is a fabulous start to a new Christian series aimed at girls aged ten and over. There are powerful lesson on forgiveness to be learnt by us at any age.
Zoey is an eleven year old girl and the voice of the story. We ‘hear’ her fears and worries about life. She is not a Christian but after going to a Christian camp she sees just what it means to live as a follower of Jesus.
Pre-teen girls are not always the nicest and the reader witnesses the underhand bullying that occurs. We see how friendship rivalry plays out and the struggle between the flesh and the spirit response.
Being given a Bible for the first time is special. We want to write our names in it. This reminds the reader that God thinks we are special and He has written each one of our names on His heart. We are all ‘misfits’ who belong in Jesus’ eyes.
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