Archive | January 2017

Romance Grows In Arcadia Valley by Various

A Wonderful Collection

Romance Grows In Arcadia Valley by various is a wonderful set of six books, all set in the fictional Arcadia Valley. They all have similar themes including subsistence farming and preserving the earth’s resources for subsequent generations by shopping locally and buying or producing things locally. The stories all have a wonderful, warm community feel to them with likable and realistic characters who are easy to empathise with.

I loved how the stories reference characters and places in the other novels which adds to the feeling of familiarity. All the authors write delightful stories that will warm your heart.

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Tea Shop Folly by Carrie Fancett Pagels

Delightfully Warm And Welcoming

Tea Shop Folly by Carrie Fancett Pagels is an absolutely delightful Christian historical romance and I loved it. I always know that when I pick up a story by Carrie Fancett Pagels, I will be absorbed into the action as I glide through the pages.

Lilly is a wonderful main character. I could ‘see’ her in my mind’s eye. She was warm and loving, a delightful woman of God who put others first and practices the gift of hospitality.

Leading man Theo is a fabulous blend of strong but vulnerable. We meet him first as he is nursing a migraine and he brings out the nurturing side in the reader. He is also the protective knight in shining armour.

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Waves Of Mercy by Lynn Austin

The Still Small Voice

Waves Of Mercy by Lynn Austin is a Christian historical romance. It was my first novel by Lynn Austin and wow, what a read! I loved Waves Of Mercy and greedily devoured it.

Waves Of Mercy is packed full of God’s goodness. It explores the themes of faith and doubt. Doubt that asks questions can lead to a stronger faith. “My faith was battered by a storm of doubt as I questioned god’s goodness.” Faith and doubt are not opposites but work together.

The novel shows how faith is not just going to church. “He’s with us everywhere we go, not just in a church building.” Faith is a relationship with God. It is being ‘real’ with Him. “Should I tell… how I raged at god for letting them die?” It is giving God your anger, your tears and your sorrows as well as your praise, hopes and dreams. Faith is loving God, relying on Him and letting His peace surround you.

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